Chapter 8

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Oh my god, you guys! Sorry for not updating since forever! I have been busy with other works and reading a ton of fan fiction to give me some insight! Hope this makes up for it!

(P.S. Don't hate me if this is a huge emotional dump hehe....)

            ---------------This is Fred. He is your page break-----------------------      

 (I saw this in another fan fiction I'm reading hehe)

Luke had to see Julie. He was afraid, no he was terrified, but the boys were right. Even though he wished they weren't.

He was hesitant, once again. Why couldn't he just make a bloody decision?! Then he knocked on the door.

"Hey, Julie, can I come in?"

When he didn't hear a response, he thought maybe she was asleep. He didn't want to disturb her. She had just been through hell. 

So he did the next best thing.

He decided he was going to say all of his feelings to a door, wasn't he?

Laying back onto to the hard wood, he let out a shuddering breath.

"Um, so, Julie, you're probably asleep right now, but I just need to get this off my chest. Even if you can't hear me."

He let a quiet laugh before he took another deep breath.

"Okay. Um, I think it was the first time I heard you sing."

He thought he heard something shuffle behind the door, but he ignored it.

"You know we were in there but, god, Julie you were....amazing. I just don't know how to describe it. You practically glowed. I guess we were all a little speechless."

He took in another quick breath. He felt so vulnerable, so out in the open. Why?

"And then there was the first time we performed, you joining the band, our first gig that we...didn't show up to, um, I don't think we ever got to say how sorry we were. I promised myself I wasn't going to see you like that again. But then I did. At the Orpheum."

By now, he started to feel his eyes go misty. But who could blame him? That night was....hell to say the least. 

He had been fighting so hard to find Julie, her voice had been taunting him as he tried to break free of Caleb's grip. His attachment to Luke seemed significantly stronger than Reggie and Alex's seeing they were able to escape faster than him. The invisible string between him and Caleb was just too strong, and then he heard Julie singing, Alex and Reggie provided the backing they had practiced. He just needed to get there, needed to see Julie one last time. (A/N I am a huge Hamilton fan! writing just let all of the memories come flooding back....*not me silently singing "One Last Time" as I start sobbing*)

"But you were there, Jules. And we saw you and it felt just hurt so much less. Jules, I think what I'm trying to say isn't something stupid and out of date. Because, well, I'm well past my time and everything that had to do with chivalry or whatever I guess faded over time."

He let out a long sigh.

"Jules, you make me so much more than a better writer. You make me a better person. And i honestly see this as more than just an interesting little relationship."

He smiled at the reference. The moment had been awkward when their hands had passed through each other but he could see the way she jumped at the thought of it.  

"I can't imagine my life without you. I-I think what I'm trying to say is-"

He's cut off by the door opening behind him as he falls flat on his back. When he looks up, he sees Julie smiling down at him. 

He ignores the fact that he has never seen her smile like that.  It felt odd.

"Luke, what are you doing talking to my door?"

Her quirky smile and shining eyes almost distracted him from the question.


He stood up from the floor and brushed himself off. 

"I was, uh, I though you were asleep," he grinned sheepishly, his hand reaching around to scratch his neck. It was a tell-tale sign he was nervous.

Julie didn't seem to notice.

Instead, her mouth twitched into a sad frown before she spoke again.

"Did you mean it?" She whispered, not meeting his gaze.


"Luke freaking Patterson, I swear to god, if that was a joke-"

No, no!" He stammered, grabbing her hand in his own. He watched helplessly as she began to turn away. 

"Please don't go," he finally said, practically begging as his grip on her hand tightened.

Julie's gaze softened as she tugged him into her room and brought him to sit on the bed. Her hand never left his own, and he swears he could feel the electricity that buzzed between them.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped, Jules."

"It's okay. I knew you would tell me sooner or later."

Yet again, the words seemed wrong coming out of Julie's mouth. But it was just him, right?

The grip on his hand tightened even more and Luke tried to suppress a small whimper with an awkward smile.

"Jules, I-"

He turned to face Jules and was surprised to see their faces only inches apart.

And then he saw her leaning in. 

If only she could read his mind because he was internally freaking out. 

He let his eyes drift shut as he waited for their lips to meet, but he was cut off by a small laugh that Julie let out.

Except that wasn't Julie who was laughing. 

When he opened his eyes, he was looking at the one-and-only Caleb freaking Covington decked out in all black like the day when he stole them before the Orpheum.

"Hey, lover boy. Miss me?"

---This is Fred's second cousin, Jeff. He is your new page break---

Ok guys, I know this is sort of a sudden mic drop but honestly, I just want to get this story over with and continue with my one shots. I don't want to rush the plot, so I'm hoping you have a good understanding of the characters. Please comment and tell me what you think!

(P.S. If you didn't notice in the author's note, I am a huge Hamilton fan! If you are also a Hamilton lover put #Hamilfam in the comments down below!)

Thank you!

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