Chapter 7

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Oh my god you guys, I have not been posting very often. Sorry! I've been so busy!

I got the idea for the skeleton thingy from the fan art posted above. 

Hope this is okay for now! Thank you for all your support and comments! It means the world to me!



Julie was scared. 

So scared.

"It was all a dream, she was safe, she was in her room..."

Their voices haunted her. She didn't want them to be near her when she could cause them more pain than they've already been through. But she gives in and flings her arms around Alex, forcing herself to slow her breath. She melts into the boys as they pile on top of her, and she almost smiles, but she feels a weight being lifted off her shoulders and she realizes with a pain in her chest that Luke and Reggie are gone. 

She lifts her head up to face Alex, but all she can see is a skeleton with a deadly smile, the image flickering in and out. 

She has no freaking idea how Caleb got into her head, and when this is all over, he is going to have hell to pay.

But right now, she does nothing but wait for Alex to speak. 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

His voice is barely above a whisper, but she can hear him as if he were speaking through a megaphone. She weakly nods her head and opens her mouth, her voice raspy and dry.

"I was at the Orpheum. And then he showed up."

Alex nodded. He knew what "he" meant. His name seemed fragile, like if you said it, it could shatter to pieces at your feet.

"Then all of a sudden, there were all these lights and dancers and he brought me to the Hollywood Ghost Club, I think."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alex visibly flinch.

"Something wrong?" She asks, her voice tinged with worry. 

"That was where, um," he muttered, trying to keep his tone even, "the night we went during the dance and where we got the stamps. He brought us back the night of the Orpheum. It was a bad place. He steals people's souls."


Julie knew all of that. Everything clicked into place when she saw him performing and when he talked about the boys, but that didn't make it any less scary. Her boys had gone through that. 

"Well, he performed for me, but when it was over, I heard your voice. At least what i thought was your voice. And that's when the blackness just started trapping me. I felt like I couldn't breathe..."

She trails off as tears once again flow down her cheeks. Alex places a hand on her shoulder before giving her a comforting squeeze.

"I'm sorry Julie. No one, especially you, should have to go through that. Caleb is a fricking bastard and we are going to find some way to destroy him, I promise."

Julie had never heard Alex speak with such negativity and absolute venom in his voice before. She stared at him, her mouth practically agape. She closed it though when Alex stood up from the bed. She hated losing the physical contact. 

"Julie, I think that it's best I go make a plan with the guys. I'll give you some time to yourself. You should get to really rest this time. Please come talk to us if something happens," he pleads, his eyes glistening.

She nods quickly just as Alex gives a sad smile and poofs out. 

Within seconds, she's breaking down in tears again. 

She didn't know it was possible to have this amount of salt water in the human body. 

She also didn't know how she had gone through all that with her head underwater.

She felt like she was flying, but a part of her felt heavy and it kept her anchored there. In place. In her room. All alone.

She has no clue how the boys didn't know that they were dead for a whole 25 years(or in Alex's standards, an hour) and they never felt anything. 

No pain, suspicion, loss, grief, relief, elation, fatigue, nothing. 

She wished she could do that. She wished she didn't have to deal with this burden, this responsibility. If anything happened to the boys, she would hold herself responsible and she doesn't want to go through what happened with her mom. It almost happened with the Orpheum, but she thought they had crossed over, that they were going to an afterlife. Not that they were going to be erased from existence. She was willing to go up on that stage and perform alone. 

When they came in, she felt so many emotions at once. But one stood out.


She loved the boys with all her heart(a specific guitar player especially) but there was also the sad kind of love, like when her mother died. She would hold them close to her and she would always love them but it would always be associated with the last time she saw them, the tears pricking at the surface and blurring her vision. 

It felt like now, but now....

She felt like she was so close to dying, so close to drifting away. She wanted to close her eyes and float into the sky. She wanted to be reborn and not have to deal with all of this pain. She lets the noise coming from downstairs and outside fade into the background as she focuses on the darkness and peace her mind could offer her. 

She doesn't know how long she sat there, wishing she could fly away when she heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, Julie, can I come in?"


Wow, okay that was one heavy chapter. (But Alex and Julie are just the best friendship goals besides Flynn:) Sorry for having you all wait that long!

I'm going to to try and update my one shots but i can't be completely honest with time. I hope this is okay for now. AND I KNOW I AM POSTING THIS LATE SO DON'T JUDGE!

Thank you!

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