Chapter 11

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I'm baaaack (again)! Sorry to keep you all waiting, so let's get on with it!

P.S. I'm going to update Juke oneshots soon I just need some iNsPiRaTiOn!

Lyrics in italics are my own.


Julie stopped in her tracks, her eyes fixed on the boy in front of her. Why was he saying these things? He didn't love her. He wasn't-


Julie finally felt full control of her body, the purple smoke disappearing beside her just as she saw Luke close his eyes, a breathless whisper leaving his lips.

"Goodbye, Jules. I love you."

He loved her. He loved her and he just dies?

That idiot!

"Luke!" She screamed, her voice shaking as tears slid down her cheeks.

"Luke, I swear to god if you die, I will bring you back to life and kill you myself!"

He didn't respond and Julie couldn't help but watch as a few stray tears dropped onto his forehead. She reached for his hand, gripping it so hard it turned white.

"Luke, come on, please. Don't leave me alone. I-I need you to c-come back. Please."

She continued to cry, letting out watery sobs as she struggled to stop a puddle from forming on the floor. She forgot what it was like to cry so hard, to be in so much pain after losing somebody it felt like you lost a part of yourself.

She remembered her mother, how much she had gone through just to die and leave her, Carlos, and Ray alone. She had been devastated, then angry, then alone, quiet, and broken. 

Although she would never told anybody, she had honestly thought if she could join her mom, wherever she was. She had just wanted everything to stop hurting that she had caused herself even more pain.

She didn't know what would happen if she lost Luke. 

"You know," she muttered, tears still tracing wet lines down her face, " I wrote a song about you. It was stupid but I continued to write them. Yeah, I don't know if any of them were any good. I wanted to show you but I obviously couldn't."

She laughed in spite of herself, the memories of all of the long nights trying to put her feelings on paper flooding back, filling her with a sense of youthful glee. Even in tragedy, life had its moments of beauty. Even death had a sense of closure for her, the dark and dull room suddenly seeming to fill with a weird feeling of hope and light.

"I could sing one for you now, but it feels wrong. I don't think I should be singing to a dead person."

When the words came out, it felt as if she was admitting to a crime. It left a bitter taste in her mouth and a wave of grief and hopelessness washed over her when she looked at Luke's face, scrunched up in pain, his lips slightly parted.

"But you know," she sniffled, wiping a hand under her nose. "I have the perfect one and now kind of seems like the perfect time. It's one my mom and I wrote before she died. It's kind of depressing but encouraging. "

She hummed the melody before quietly whispering the lyrics.

we've all made mistakes
don't worry if you still have much to learn
i know that you feel afraid
preparing to take that hard right turn
i understand that it feels pointless
that there's no way to lift your head above the waves
and you wish you could end this
but tears don't make the heartache wash away

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