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Guys, thank you so so so so much for everything and all the support with this story! It means so much to me! I'm so happy to be able to finish off this story and again THANK YOU SO MUCH!

(P.S. Fanart is not mine but I just love it so much haha)


Reggie and Alex were confused. One moment they were in the garage waiting for Luke and the next...

They're still there because Luke hasn't come back yet.

"Are they, you know..." Reggie asked.

"No. No just letting out a lot of steam," Alex answered for him before slumping back into the couch.

"But what if they're-"


"Okay, okay."


"Either way it's a win-win, right? I mean, he gets it off his chest and she doesn't want him or-"

"You make him sound like he's an object that wants to be desired," Alex groaned.

"Well, he's Luke and I don't know how women are these days," Reggie huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as Alex nodded, silently agreeing.

They sat in silence, or at least what qualified as silence for ghosts, their tiny ghost breaths and Reggie's muttering intermingled with the sounds of the night.


When they woke up to a bright sun and a knock on the studio door, they were surprised, especially when Luke walked in, panting and out of breath, a dazed look on his face.

"Luke, what happened?" Alex asked, his voice going up a few octaves.

Luke muttered something under his breath, plopping down on the couch in front of the two ghosts.

"Luke," Reggie started before placing a hand on his shoulder.


A cacophony of screams echoed throughout the empty streets and Alex demanded the full story. 

And spoiler alert, they teased Luke when he told them that he kissed Julie, and they knew they were holding it against him until the day he died.

Because Luke seemed technically alive. Add that to the "We Don't Know What The Hell Is Going On" list.

Despite everything, the magic, Caleb, Luke almost dying, and Reggie and him having no clue, Alex felt happy. Content. 

Blame it on the burst of faint light that erupted from Julie's window, but Alex finally felt like things were looking up.


I know that this was kind of short, but I wanted to end it with Alex and Reggie's perspective, especially adding some comical relief. Again, thank you so much and please, if you haven't already, check out the other works under my name.

Comment down below and please tell me if you like the ending.


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