Grown Up.

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A brown haired male eyed a small creature that had appeared and the whole town was searching for it. He smiled as he growled lightly, alerting it. He then grabbed it and smiled.

"I got it!" A bluenette emerged from the greenery and smiled.

"Good job, Midnight." The smaller boy smiled as he was picked up.

"Big Brother Lapis...? Will this help town?" Lapis nodded.

"Yep... c'mon. Let's go back to the town." He nodded as they walked back.


Midnight watched as Lapis washed the meat of the creature.

There were two types of creatures that were in the region that Midnight learned. The natural ones, which were able to be attacked and used for supplies, and the destructive, which are to be tamed and controlled by people.

Midnight hummed as Lapis moved the water across the meat with no problem. Scarlet lit a flame with little effort while Sage brought a cool breeze through the house. His older siblings didn't want him to learn the arts of their abilities for some reason. But he was interested.

He turned to Cedar as he sat down beside him. The others were bickering in another room as Midnight gulped.

"Big Brother Cedar?" Cedar smiled at him as leaned his head back. "Why you and others teach me what you do?" Cedar glanced at him.

"Well..." He sat up slightly. "This region doesn't accept many commonfolk having abilities. Sure, we would love to see if you can, but we don't want our higher ups learning. I will get us under something we can't get out of." Midnight nodded as he looked at the ground. Cedar placed a hand on his shoulder and regained his attention. "Don't be like that. I'm sure there's a way we can teach you. Maybe just the passive ones. I'll talk to the others later." Midnight nodded as he snuggled against the brown haired male. Cedar smiled as he ran a hand through his hair and the duo fell asleep.


Scarlet hummed at Cedar's words. He had told them Midnight's words.

"I mean... I know he's seen us do it... and I'm glad he asked inside... but... Cedar... you're the one that will be the hardest."

"If I collect rocks, not really. Sage is the problem."

"Guys..." Lapis cut in. They went quiet, knowing what he was going to say.

"Lapis, we can at least try." He kept his back to them.

"Then... let me go first. Please? I just... don't want to go through what happened last time." Sage smiled.

"Of course Lapis. Whatever will make you safer for yourself." Lapis smiled at his words.

If you guys are lost or need help, go check out Blake or Etta. Blake had a book that'll explain everything you need to know while Etta will try to answer.

The next few chapters will be kinda short.

Have a great day.

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