The True Past and Ready Future.

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Sage ran a hand through his hair as the ruler's words echoed in his head. He was stressed from what was said many times before; between Cynn, Lynn and even the look the former lord gave during that battle.


He sat down in front of the water bucket that he always had ready for whenever this happened and paused. Tell them the thing that had started hurting? It hurt to consider doing that. He scooped up some water and splashed his face a little before rubbing his temples. At least he didn't feel so bad about what he was about to do after that.

"Sage?" He fell silent at the sound of Lapis's voice. Oh right... he had kinda rushed inside. "Is everything alright?"

"I..." He paused his words. "I just need some alone time right now..."

He wasn't sure how that got by the waterbender, but after a moment he heard the door close. He then sighed before he rubbed his face. He took a second before he gently whispered to himself.

"You have to tell them, Sage. You know what's going to happen, but you can't avoid it..."


Later, after dinner was served, Sage finally spoke after not saying anything after his little fit. He had kept his distance from them until they convinced him to join them for dinner. Clearly the reason they gave and whatever he was thinking of somewhat overlapped as he did take the bait.

"Hey... hey guys?" They all paused as Lapis washed the dishes. Knowing how close Lapis was with the water gave him some worry, but what was he going to do, move them all right now?

"Yeah Sage?" He felt Lapis's eyes on him as he gently opened his bag, revealing his uniform. It looked pretty bad after the fall from the rebel attack. Clearly he didn't check it until now.

"I..." He paused for a moment as Lapis cursed under his breath, no doubt from something sharp. Sage used that to prepare himself as Cedar checked the waterbender. After a moment he spoke again, now not hearing the water. "I wanted to clear something up with you guys..."

Midnight had gone to bed early since the hunt earlier drained him and he almost didn't finish eating with how tired he was. So he felt safe saying this. Not with Lapis still here, but one was better than both. Scarlet was the one to continue the words.

"Clear... what up?" Sage gulped as he closed the bag, not getting any help from it.

"I haven't been truthful with you guys. I... lied a little bit." Cedar wrapped Lapis's hand up as the waterbender's eyes drifted to the airbender's bag.

"And... What do you mean by that? What were you lying about?" Sage kept his head down as he looked at the bag. Cedar must've noticed his stance as he spoke.

"Sage... give me the bag."

Sage gulped as he gave the bag to the earthbender before he went over to his bucket. Was that safe? No, but maybe he would make it. There was silence before Scarlet spoke.

"That's why Fearow trusts you. You two were in battle, right?" He nodded as he looked at the reflection the water supplied.

"Flight Striker from Kithicor to help in the Rebel War. The only war that brought all four rulers together to keep the citizens safe. I was trained to be with Fearow to drop explosive materials upon rebel bases. I didn't want to say anything when I got here because I didn't want to get pushed out and have nowhere to go. My twin hasn't written to me since we entered the army, so I'd guess he's still in there. But I was discharged towards the end of the Rebel War because a lucky shot took me out of the air." He gripped the bucket with a tense grip as the pictures from both the attack and the trio raced through his head. "I was once loyal to here... and now-"

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