A New Throne.

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Midnight purred as he woke up, acknowledging Sage and Scarlet's gentleness circling him. He slowly pulled out of their embrace and looked around. Cedar and Lapis weren't up in the room, so he went looking. He found Cedar resting in the dining room with Lapis cooking a rather tasty looking meal. Midnight purred as he went over, carefully sniffing the air.

"Smells yummy..." Lapis smiled as he ruffled his hair.

"It's Cedar's favorite. And since it's his birthday, I'm making it for him." Midnight purred at that before Cedar tiredly made a noise, something about food. Midnight smiled before he looked around.

"Should I get the others up?" Lapis nodded before Midnight ran back to the others, who looked rather comfy. They gave their complaint before they joined Lapis, who was gently waking Cedar up from his slumber. Cedar was focused on the food as a plate appeared in front of him.

"Happy Birthday, Cedar!" The earthbender smiled a little as he rubbed his face.

"Thanks guys..." He then grinned at the food. They all giggled at that.


The news of the new ruler came quickly.

Hearing the horses gave everyone a clue. Lapis was asleep while Sage was cleaning Fearow from something. Scarlet and Midnight joined the crowd while Cedar was off collecting things. Three Rapidash entered before the people on the back two slipped off and went over. The lead must've been scanning the group as one of the other two spoke.

"As you all may know, Lord Gelicant has been dethroned. As of now, a new ruler has stepped up to the throne. So please welcome Lady Remali to your generous town."

Sage and Cedar were able to join them before the group bowed as the female slipped off her ride. She seemed very shy, no doubt being her first time being up so high on the power list. Midnight could hear Lapis slowly waking up as she spoke.

"Thank you everyone. I hope to get to know you all very soon. At ease." They all nodded before heading back to work. She must've identified the aura as she went over. Sage didn't notice she went over to them until she spoke. And even the other three gave her up before.

"Lady Remali..." She smiled before she looked at the smaller boy.

"Let me guess... you're the one who saved this sector?" That's when Sage realized she was there. He froze as Midnight nodded.

"Yes Ma'am." She smiled before looking at the others.

"I take it this is the Magic house here?" Scarlet nodded.

"Yes Ma'am. My name's Scarlet; a firebender. This is Cedar; an earthbender, Sage; an airbender. Lapis is inside, but he's our waterbender and music mage. Then we have Midnight, our little avatar." She smiled before humming.

"To think... I've never met a waterbender. They seem to be very rare..." Scarlet smiled.

"Most of Lapis's family is waterbenders, but they live in Kithicor." Almost as if he was summoned, Lapis came out in a tired manner. He rubbed his eyes as he paused.

"What about my family?" The others giggled before Midnight caught sight of the stars in the new ruler's eyes. He then spoke as she quickly caught herself.

"Big Brother Lapis... the new ruler is here. Lady Remali." It took Lapis a moment before he was able to sort himself out to give a small bow.

"My bad..." She smiled nervously. Neither side was prepared for this meetup.

"It's ok. This is my first time being near a waterbender." Lapis gave a weak smile as he straightened up.

"I believe there's only two of us here in Fiore. Me and a close friend I met in Summerland before I came here. I think he's a little stronger." Remali nodded before glancing at Sage, who had gone back to Fearow. He seemed to be tending to something on its wing, which got much disagreement. Though, it was hard to tell when the duo would give either a brief smile or giggle.

"This is also my first time seeing a tamed beast outside the army." Scarlet nodded.

"Same here. I may be a firebender, but I was one of the few that didn't register to the army. Then again, they got over 500 firebenders to join. But I don't know too many outside-army tamed beasts." Remali hummed as she slipped over. Sage didn't notice until she spoke.

"Lovely creature." Sage paused before smiling as he gently placed something on its wing, gaining a soft noise. "Is this yours?"

"Yeah..." He paused before he finished. "I've had it for a while now." She paused.

"There's not many tamed beasts outside the army." He caught on to what she meant before he sighed.

"I was once a flight striker in the army. Had to get taken out after the Rebel War."

"Why is that?" He paused before he gently helped Fearow open the wing he had been working on. A healing wound rested there.

"In the last attack upon the rebels, I was told to drop the last attack upon their last base. And being one of the fastest in the air, I was told that it would be impossible to hit me before I got to safety. However, one of the rebels got lucky and hit Fearow's wing. No one expected the attack, so I was forced to land at a smaller camp until we could get pulled out. Everyone that could tried to heal the wound, even the former lord, but it wouldn't heal. Of course, no one could find the rebel that fired and the captured rebels wouldn't talk. The former Lord told me to simply get discharged as the war was closing and I was unneeded. He also told me to keep Fearow to try and find a cure. Ever since, I've been slowly keeping an eye on it." She hummed as Fearow closed the wing.

"Have you told your allies that you were a former army man?" He shook his head.

"When I first came to this small town, out of uniform, I was nervous because my home was Fall City. I had moved from my family to take part in the Rebel War because the lord needed some needed potential and Lady Annawelna provided. But here in a town where hardly any magic happens, I was scared that they would neglect me. So I acted casual and was able to coax Lapis, who had moved here to find a restraint for his skills, to let me live with him. I was more worried that he would do something if he found out." She gazed at the wing.

"It looks really good for what happened." She then paused. "Would you rejoin the army... in a way... if you could?" He nodded softly.

"Yeah... I'd wait for Fearow here to heal up so we can take the skies again, but I wouldn't mind rejoining." She smiled.

"Good... because I'm trying to reorganize it. And having someone like you in the air would be great." She then paused. "Reach out when you get Fearow into the air. We'll go from there." He nodded.

"Of course." She smiled.

"Also... do tell the others." He paused as he glanced over. Lapis was getting teased as he tried to stay awake. "It's better that they know the truth than a mask." He took a moment before he sighed.

"Yes Ma'am." She smiled before she patted his back.

"Take care of yourself. I hope to see you out on the field." He didn't give much of an answer as she headed back over to the others. "Well... it was great meeting those that saved this sector. I hope in the future I will be able to work with you all more." They nodded at that. She then smiled before she headed off. Sage joined them as Fearow vanished into the greenery. A shadow casted down from his hair as he slipped into the house. Lapis, concerned, went after him with the others following.

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