Meet and Train.

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Cedar was working with Midnight on the earthbending when the girl arrived. She stepped out from the magical portal and saw them training. Sage watched them before sending a wave of wind at them. Cedar yelped as sand covered him. The other two laughed before he shook it off. She smiled before going over. The trio giggled before noticing her. Sage's eyes lit up as he straightened up.

"Lady Annawelna!" He bowed quickly as confusion crossed the other two's faces. She smiled at them.

"At ease, Sage. You still truly show your honor here." Sage paused before straightening back up. She turned to the others. "I'm guessing you two are new here?" They nodded as Scarlet ran over.

"My Lady!" She skidded to a stop and quickly bowed before straightening up again. "What are you doing here?" The Lady smiled.

"I was coming to see about this 'aura' that Lord Gelicant wanted me to get that I denied him. Who am I looking at?" Midnight gulped as he stepped forward.

"Me... ma'am." She studied him as she hummed. He wasn't bad for a small aura. But she saw something that made her pause.

"Let me see..."

She knelt down beside him and looked into his eyes. Her own pair flashed as her famous spell hit the air. He froze as she saw something else. With the new sight, she saw the aura pulsing through him. A light seemed to circle him as well as almost every possible skill he was to have. Her eyes went back as she stood up.

"Hm... now that an aura." She turned to Sage and Scarlet, who had fallen silent. "Aloje Elemental Night Prophecy, huh? You are fighting a dangerous battle." Scarlet gulped.

"Yes we are, m'lady." She hummed at that.

"You have done well. The last time someone did that... let's just say they were caught. But you are truly someone to try." Midnight blinked. "You know the basics right?" He nodded. "Then in that case... let's see what you can do." He looked at the others, who nodded to him. He gulped as they stepped back.


She smiled as he got into a battle stance. She took a deep breath before launching at him. He jumped over her and sent a blast of wind. She moved out of the way as he gulped. He jumped up and tried to land a fire attack. She simply moved to the side and hummed. He paused before pulling a rock up and throwing it. She jumped out of the way and smiled.

"Not bad for a beginner..."

He shuddered as he thought about the elements. Sure, there were more than 4, but those were the ones he was taught. He hadn't tried water, but he hadn't learned much about it. Yeah, some prophecy, but he had no idea what he was doing. He slowly opened his hand and a small water source entered it. He gulped before he flung it. It wasn't the greatest attempt as it didn't even reach her. His face went pale at that.

"Um..." Scarlet gulped. Without Lapis, their waterbending training was pretty hopeless. So they focused on the others until they knew what they were up against. The lady hummed.

"Not bad... my turn."

She held up her hand and her first move was incredible. She threw fire, earth and wind at once, making him jump out of the way. She lifted a wave up and sent it at him. He jumped over it with ease, making her pause. He landed and huffed.

"Hm... nice. You did a great job." He smiled. "I can see you definitely getting there."

"Thank you...." She smiled as he went over.

"You need some waterbending help... do you have a waterbender with you?" Sage and Scarlet lowered their heads as Cedar gulped.

"M'lady... our waterbender is still over in Fiore. He held the line until we could get away." They fell silent as the lady hummed.

"So you don't have a confident Waterbender?"

"No, m'lady." She hummed.

"Though water is the best to take Lord Gelicant down, you need help with it. I say train the ones you can and I'll be back to test you. If you get me to struggle, you can go say your waterbender." Midnight's eyes lit up.

"Y-yes ma'am!" The others smiled and nodded. She hummed.

"If you can practice your waterbending, do it. But focus on the main three. We'll talk later. Dismissed." They bowed before going back to work. She hummed as they started working. She snapped and arrived at her room with a smile.

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