Water Bending.

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Lapis was resting in the kitchen when Midnight woke up. The smaller boy paused before going over and waking him.

"Big Brother Lapis?" Lapis looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey..." He hummed. "I guess I fell asleep while doing chores..." Midnight paused.

"Big Brother Lapis... can... you show how you do thing with water or..." He looked at the ground as Lapis smiled.

"I'll show you some minor skills, ok?" Midnight smiled greatly at his words. "Go get a bucket of water." Midnight nodded as he ran to get it.


After Midnight came back, Lapis hummed. A soft picture formed in his head, but he waved it out.

"Alright... ready?"

Midnight nodded as he sat down beside him. Lapis held his hands up and slowly lifted them. The water followed his movements and they soon formed a small figure. Midnight's eyes sparkled.

"It's just calmly letting the water follow your lead." He placed the water down. "Your turn."

Midnight gulped as he placed his hands over the water and repeated Lapis's motions. With ease, the water lifted up. Lapis smiled. He placed it down and huffed.

"That..." Lapis hummed.

"I am impressed. I honestly didn't think you could pull that off. Congratulations. You have done waterbending." Midnight blinked.

"Is that what it called?" Lapis nodded.

"That's one of the many abilities of this region." He grasped the smaller boy's shoulders. "Remember to not let the public eye see it." Midnight nodded.

"Only big brothers and sister!" Lapis smiled at his words.

"That's right. Now... go get the other up." Midnight nodded as he ran off. Lapis stood up and sighed as the pictures flew back through his head. He looked at the ground before going to make breakfast.

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