New Home.

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Midnight stared at the area as they went to a small house. She knocked on the door before picking him up. Sage sat down beside them and hummed faintly.

"Who's there!?"

"Scarlet, Cedar, Sage, and Midnight. Go Λάπις!" The door opened at that. A female looked at them.

"Lapis sent you?" They nodded as Sage stood up. She smiled. "Come on in!" They smiled as they went in. She allowed them to sit down as she studied them. "Where.... Is Lapis?" Scarlet lowered her head. "Oh..."

"He... did his job. He held them off before they discovered..." She sighed. "Thank you..." The girl nodded.

"I'll go get your rooms ready." They nodded as she left. Scarlet placed Midnight on the couch.

"Midnight... I want you to know something. All that has happened? It's because of you." He blinked.

"Me...?" She nodded as Sage sat down beside them and held his hand up. A twister appeared as a scene showed.


Four kids and a baby were relaxing after a storm had prevented them from going outside. The baby was asleep while a blue haired kid rocked him. A soft light hit the air as a voice spoke.

"Hidden Benders..." The other three jumped as the light floated in front of them. "I'm glad you found him."

"Found...?" The green haired boy turned to the smaller child as it rested.

"Yes... one of the children of the Aloje Elemental Night Prophecy. The one that will help restore harmony to Aloje." The female blinked.

"But it's a mere child-"

"I never said it had to now. You four are to protect him with all of your power. He will be the reason, in the future, that Aloje becomes a little safer. Guide him to a victory against the lord. Be safe, Hidden Benders."


Midnight stared at Sage's hand as the twister faded.

"You..." Scarlet brought him into a hug. "Were just a small child with nowhere to go. Now you are going to be the reason us benders and casters will be allowed to step out into the light with our skills." Midnight huffed faintly.

"And... save Big Brother Lapis?"

"You'll do more than just save Lapis. You'll give him a reason to show his skills." Midnight gulped. "Here in the Kithicor Sector, we are free from those grasps. But if we want him back, we have to go into forbidden territory." He gulped as he looked up at her.

"So..." He hummed. "Train here... save home?" She smiled.

"Yes... There are three lords in this region and one lady. We might meet the lady due to us being in her sector. Don't worry, she, unlike the lords, supports us. We have to put the lords in their place and show them that us benders, casters, summoners, and fighters can be individual forces." Midnight nodded as the female came out.

"Your rooms are done." She smiled. Sage sighed.

"Thanks Tiffany for all you've done." Tiffany smiled.

"Of course. Anything for my brother's allies." Midnight blinked as they went to their rooms. Scarlet placed the smaller boy in his room.

"We'll get started tomorrow, ok?" He nodded as he fell asleep.

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