9- Wishful Thinking

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Your least favorite author is back at it again with the bad writing! Sorry for the short hiatus. I was on holiday without wi-fi so I couldn't update, but I'm here again, and this time with a school laptop that'll let me write properly. Did I mention that I was back to school?

Enjoy 😊


They were barely halfway through the meeting, and Jungkook was already agonisingly bored.

The Kings and Queens of each district had been exchanging ideas and plans for the past hour, and pretty much all of their sons and daughters were growing visibly uncomfortable. Almost all of the people in the room (who weren't involved in the discussion) were stealing glances at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room.

Jungkook found himself looking at the crowd of his palace's servants at the back of the room more often then not, seeking out a particular tiny, blonde haired boy. He was bored, and well, he would much rather stare longingly at Jimin than actually contribute to the discussion. It's not like his thoughts would be listened too anyway, and Jimin was someone who was made to be stared at.

He eventually located Jimin in the lines of servants. His eyes brightened immediately when he caught sight of the boy. Jimin's head was nodding and he looked like he was about to fall asleep on the spot. His hair looked fluffier than ever, the golden locks making it looked like he had a halo. It was fitting since Jimin was basically an angel sent for Jungkook from heaven.

Jimin rubbed his eyes and yawned adorably. Jungkook couldn't help but think he looked like a tiny fluffy kitten. Or maybe a baby duckling. Either way, he looked precious and Jungkook just wanted to squish his little cheeks.

Jungkook spent a good 15 minutes pining over Jimin before he noticed Soyeon staring at him with a look of urgency in her eyes. She pointed at their father who was drawling on about effective trading routes and then tapped her ear. Jungkook knew she meant that he was supposed to listen, but he just couldn't. Not with the ethereal angelic beauty that was Park Jimin in the room. He found himself getting lost in Jimin's eyes again.

Jungkook swore that he could just stare at this man for the rest of his life. There was just something so addictive about Jimin. He was like a siren. Once you looked you couldn't possibly look away. And you just got deeper and deeper and before you know it, he'd snatched you up.

A few moments later, Jungkook was interrupted from his wandering thoughts (he was thinking about how Jimin would look wearing his clothes). This time, it wasn't his sister getting in the way of his thought process. It was Jimin himself.

Jimin looked up, and his eyes met with Jungkook's. Jungkook blushed immediately, realising that he had just been caught staring longingly at the other boy. Jimin giggled silently from the other side of the room, and Jungkook could just imagine his melodic laugh in place of the silence that actually came out of his lips (his lips were just another part of him that Jungkook obsessed over in his spare time).

Jimin had been acting a lot happier after Jungkook found him an comforted him in the hallway. It was like Jungkook had been his medicine. His green mold. Of course Jimin still must've been full of fear (and Jungkook didn't know much about where he had come from but he knew that it definitely wasn't anywhere good), but there had been an improvement in his mood. He was a lot happier and less shy with Jungkook.

This was amazing, because in Jungkook's opinion, the more he saw of Jimin the better. He knew, logistically, that it was impossible for them to be anything more then boss and worker. But Jungkook could dream, so he let himself live in his wishful thinking filled reality, pretending that what he thought they had was real.

But sadly, as much as Jungkook liked Jimin, it couldn't get him out of this meeting. He could see Jimin mouthing "Focus" with those pretty lips of his. And that was all it took for him to focus. Just the fact that Jimin wanted him too was enough to persuade him.

So Jungkook summoned all his strength and will, drew in a breath, and began listening to his father's endless drawling. His attention was only briefly interrupted by the thought of the small (but incredibly beautiful) smile that had graced Jimin's lips after mouthing that word.


This chapter was pretty short but I hope you enjoyed it anyway 😊 I know it was a blatant filler chapter but who doesn't like Jungkook obsessively pining over Jimin? I hope everyone likes that because that's literally all this book has to offer (+badly written angst)

For those in Australia like me, happy back to school!

Borahae 💜

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