4- Infatuated

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I must say, that title is pretty accurate to irl Kookie

Jungkook and Lisa stood opposite to each other, staring each other down.

"So..." Jungkook said awkwardly.

"We're getting married.." She replied.

"Do you want to?" Jungkook didn't know why he asked, she looked repulsed at the idea of it.

"No. I'm gay. It was probably stupid hoping for a girl." She replied. Jungkook nodded, relieved.

"I'm gay as well. I was hoping for a boy. Realistically, I didn't want an arranged marriage at all, but what can you expect. I guess it's just tradition." He said. She smiled kindly.

"It's ok. Even if we don't have any feelings for each other, can we at least me friends? I don't want this to have to be toxic. We may as well make the best out of the situation."

Jungkook chuckled. "Of course we can be friends. You're ok with me hanging out with other guys right? I don't mind you seeing girls while we're married."

She grinned. "Sure. I wouldn't want either of us to be robbed of the ability to love all because of a stupid marriage. We'll just have to be very careful and go behind our parents' backs."

"Yes. If they find out I'm doing anything behind their backs, I'll be in deep trouble."

"Same with mine. I wish they weren't so stuck in the past. They care too much about other people's opinions."

Lisa seemed like a lovely girl. Jungkook wished that they could have met under better circumstances. They could have been great friends without the toxicity of having been forced into an unwanted relationship. Either way, he was going to try and be as kind as possible to her and give her the best life that he could, even if that meant letting her date other people.


After a few hours of settling into the servants quarters and getting to know the other servants, it was finally time for Jimin to begin his job and meet the Prince. He was incredibly nervous, he didn't even know how old Jungkook was and what he looked like! Jimin tiptoed up the annoyingly long set of spiral stairs, until he finally reached the room that Rosè had told him was Jungkook's. He knocked on the door before slowly opening it.

He was met with what were possibly the most beautiful, deep brown eyes that he had ever laid his eyes on.

The prince smiled at me. He had longish, dark brown hair and the most adorable bunny like smile. His eyes crinkled cutely at the corners and Jimin felt like he had been sent directly to heaven. He stared blankly at Jungkook, in awe, before he finally snapped out of it. He blushed beet red.

"Um- Good afternoon Your Highness, m-my name is Park Jimin. I will be working as your servant from today onwards." His blush deepened even more as he stuttered and stumbled over his words. Jungkook was staring at him.

Jungkook's eyes travelled up and down his figure. The way his too-large uniform slipped off his shoulder and showed off his collarbone. The way his too-tight pants hugged his ass. The little moles that dotted his exposed neck. He wanted to reach out and-

Jungkook stopped himself right there, not allowing my thoughts to go any further down that path. His parents would kill him if they knew he was thinking about a servant in this way. Especially a male servant. Either way, he ignored his own conscience and licked his bottom lip as Jimin continued blushing and looking down at his feet.

"Um- would you like me to... um.." he couldn't seem to finish his sentence.

Jungkook raised my eyebrow at him as he stuttered through his sentence.

"W-would you like me to take out your laundry?"

Jungkook nodded silently and failed at pretending that he wasn't checking him out as he bent over slowly and picked up the laundry hamper off the floor.

Jimin could feel Jungkook's eyes on him, and he couldn't say that he didn't enjoy it.


This chapter was wayyy too short for such an important chapter but I'll update as soon as I can. Things are gettin spicy...

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