6- Nervous

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Sorry for being on hiatus for such a long time! I've had literally the worst writers block recently, but I'll try my best to get a chapter up. This is my first fic and I really want to finish it at some point.


The next morning Jimin left Jungkook's room with the fluttery feeling of butterflies filling his stomach, along with the bitter taste of fear tainting his mouth.

at Jungkook's request, Jimin had ended up sleeping in his room (Not with him of course, but still very close. On the couch pushed right up against the foot of his bed). Jungkook had slept with his head at the foot of his bed, right above the couch Jimin was sleeping on. He was close enough that when he fell asleep Jimin could feel his warm breath on the top of his head.

At some point, Jungkook's arm had shifted in his sleep. His had hand slipped off the back of the couch where it had been draped, and had landed right on top of Jimin's stomach. Jimin had gasped, visibly tensing up. He'd squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore the fact that the heir to the throne was currently lying a few inches away from him, with his large, warm hand lying flat on his stomach.

As Jungkook snored softly and sweetly, Jimin had stayed, locked in place, staring nervously at the way his long, slightly curly hair fell in his eyes. The way the silvery moonlight had pooled out of a nearby window, hitting his face and creating a halo-like effect. He had swallowed thickly, pushing back all the thoughts he was having about the boy. He was his servant for God's sake! And Jungkook would never like a boy like him. Rosé had it all wrong.

He'd closed his eyes, a sudden exhaustion coming over him. It had been a long, frustrating couple of days (aside from being with Jungkook, which simply confused and scared him). He needed sleep. Badly.

His future was uncertain and very scary to think about, but he had no choice but to bear with it. Jungkook was very attractive. Beautiful. Angelic, even. But Jimin couldn't have him. So he would have to bury any attraction he had towards the man, and get on with the job he was made to do.

He was a slave, he had no choice whether he wanted to leave or not, so he would just work to the best of his abilities, and hope that he could charm his way into good treatment.

After all, what else could he do?


Jungkook woke up in a daze, his eyes barely able to open and crusted with sleep, a small patch of drool on his pillow. He looked around the room, yawning cutely and rubbing the sleep out out of his eyes, and realised that Jimin was gone. Blushing at the thought of the younger, he rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed into a blue silk shirt, tight black jeans, and loose black tie, a lot more casual than yesterday, as his parents (hopefully) weren't going to see him. He raked a comb through his hair, before brushing his teeth and heading downstairs, towards the casual dining room.

As usual, an array of delectable breakfast food were laid out for him when he arrived. With them, was Kim Seokjin, the head chef, dressed in a ridiculous looking chef's hat and matching apron, as per usual. He bowed quickly, sending a bright smile Jungkook's way.

"Good morning, Your Majesty. Breakfast is served!" he said, winking cheekily.

"Thanks Jinnie, it looks amazing!" Jungkook replied

"Well I clearly need to step up my game if I want you to stop stealing banana milk from the kitchen. I told you, if you want food, just ask! I'd be happy to give you banana milk if you wanted it that bad!" He laughed, sounding incredibly similar to a pair of windshield wipers.

"Fiiiine. I promise to ask next time. Thanks either way hyung." Jungkook smiled back at him, bunny-like teeth peeking out. Seokjin nodded and bowed once again, leaving him to enjoy his meal.

He dug into his breakfast, messily slurping up orange juice and chowing down pancakes and bacon faster than any human should be able too. Crumbs and assorted pieces of food flew out of his mouth as he chewed. Yes, he was a messy eater (when he wasn't with his parents at least). And he was proud of it.

Well, he was proud of it up until Jimin walked into the room, carrying a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other, wearing the same too tight pants and oversized button up as yesterday. He put down his cleaning supplies, as a shocked and slightly weirded out expression took over his face, at the sight of Jungkook's stuffed cheeks and food covered face, but it was quickly replaced with an adorable smile as he doubled over, laughing hard at Jungkook's wide, almost comical eyes, as he swallowed his food as quickly as possible, nearly choking on it.

He quickly pulled himself together, before gasping with laughter yet again when he saw Jungkook's face again. His eyes were large and doe like, his cheeks painted with a light pink blush from embarrassment. His mouth gaped open, still covered in maple syrup from the pancakes.

Jimin didn't know why he was so shocked, but he most likely would've had a heart attack if he found out that Jungkook was simply astounded by how beautiful his smile was.

Jimin collected himself, suddenly realising that he was in the presence of his future king. He blushed and chuckled awkwardly.

"Sorry, Your Highness, you just looked so funny." he giggled, eyes sparkling, taking Jungkook's breath away yet again with that beautiful smile of his.

"Don't worry about it Jimin. Your laugh is really cute, you know." Jungkook reveled in the way Jimin turned beet red, a heavy flush creeping from his ears down to his neck. He wondered how far down that flush went.

"T-thanks." Jimin replied nervously.

"No need to thank me. Wanna eat with me? I heard the servant's food is pretty shit so if you're hungry you can join."

Jimin visibly perked up. "Really? Are you sure? I wouldn't want to go against your mother's rules.." His shoulders sagged a little. "I probably shouldn't.. I'll get in trouble."

Jungkookk rolled his eyes and Jimin couldn't help but think he looked incredibly hot. "Who cares about my mother anyway. She won't find out. What did she tell you that stops you anyway?"

"Umm- especially not to touch you- I don't get what's so wrong with touching you though. Like what if I want to touch you-" Jimin blurted out. He stopped and his eyes widened, realising how that sounded. Jungkook smirked.

"No! Not like that! I don't mean- I mean.. Ugh." Jimin blabbered incoherently. He shut up and looked down at his feet. Jungkook chuckled.

"You're funny Jimin. Now sit down and eat." He said in a commanding tone. Neither was surprised when Jimin sat down immediately and began eating right off Jungkook's plate.


So after literally forever I'm back with another update. I've kind of stopped using wattpad and moved to a03 (for reading), but I don't feel like posting books there since I'm not really as familiar with the platform when it comes to writing. For now, I'll continue writing on wattpad, and hopefully finish this!

Like I said, I'm really sorry for not updating in so long. But I'll try harder. Either way I hope you enjoyed the update! Sorry it's so cringe. Thanks for reading <3

PS- In the time I haven't updated, I did a huge edit on this book (changed the pov from 1st to 3rd person and added a lot to make sure it's as good as possible) so if you've read up to here before now, I highly reccommend rereading all the chapters (they are a LOT better than before)

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