5- Stay with me

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I have the worst writers block so if this is crappy I apologise. I feel like it's moving too fast? Yeah it's definitely moving too fast.

After his tension filled and mildly awkward first meeting with Jungkook, Jimin walked back to the servant's quarters with the laundry to quickly meet up with Rosé and fill her in on the meeting.

"Hi Jimin! How was it meeting Jungkook?" Rosè greeted me warmly when he arrived at the quarters.

Jimin was still blushing hard at the thought of the man who he had seen staring so deeply at him.
"Well, um.. I" I stumbled over my words.

She giggled, raising a single eyebrow at how flustered he was.

"Do you think Jungkookie is cuuute? Do you liiiike him?" she made a suggestive face, drawing out her words.

"Not- I mean, No. Ah!"

"Hmm.. Really.. Are you sure?"

"Yes!" He panicked

"Hmm. Kay. Just remember that I've seen Jungkook. I used to be his maid before the queen let you take over. I can see that the boy is cute."

I nodded quickly, eyes widening at the memory, then caught myself and shook my head.

"Well, how was it? Did he seem nice?"

"He seemed nice enough.. but he was staring at me.. a lot."

She raised an eyebrow.

"He's into you." she said bluntly.

I shook my head. "No way. Why would he, firstly, like a servant, and secondly, like me of all people. There's no way.

She laughed. "Jimin, you might not believe it, but I think that you're beautiful, and knowing Jungkook, I'm sure that he would as well. You're literally exactly his type."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Stop being silly. There's no way"

Absolutely no way... Unless... maybe he...



Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about Jimin. His plump, pouty lips. His honey brown eyes. His tiny little hands that Jungkook just wanted to reach out and hold. It was hours later and he still couldn't stop thinking about him. He'd never been so captivated by someone at the first glance.

He shouldn't have been thinking that way. His wedding hadn't even happened yet, and he was already daydreaming about a boy. And not just any boy, one of his servants. It was almost laughable how fast he had gotten over the news of my marriage and begun thinking about other people.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my daydream. The door opened a crack and a cute little face with chubby cheeks poked into my room.

"Um hello your highness?" Jimin's voice was high pitched and adorable. Jungkook internally squealed at his cuteness.

"Ohh, Jimin. Come right in," he replied, masking his infatuation.

He stepped inside. "Is there anything you need me to do or clean up? I feel like I'm not being helpful enough."

Jungkook shook his head. "Don't worry about cleaning up for now. Buuut... Can you stay with me? I'm lonely and there's nobody to talk too here except for Seokjin, and 80% of the stuff that comes out of his mouth are terrible dad jokes."

Pink lightly tinted his cheeks as he nodded. "Okay." He sat down on the sofa at the end of Jungkook's bed.

"You know Jimin, you're kinda cute. I think I'll like having you around."


A/N- This was short just like my patience while writing it. I have no idea where I'm going with this book and I'm literally just making up the storyline as I write it so expect a few plotholes. Also this was the worst filler sorry..

PS- I finally updated Maddie. Happy now? I purple you uwu 💜

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