The Phantom and the Angel Part 14

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Safira stepped into her opponents blow, her opponents right hook whipping by her cheek by mere inches. Thankfully, the boy had overextended when he had thrown his punch, likely having grown frustrated with how he had yet to land any meaningful blows on the Faunus, and Safira was more than willing to capitalized on his mistake. With as much speed as she could muster, she grabbed the boy's arm and threw him over her shoulder, the muscles in her own arms screaming in protest as she flipped the boy down onto the mat, twisted his arm across his back, and completed her pin.

The boy tried to get back to his feet despite the fact that his arm could not be feeling very good right now, but before he could make any meaningful progress the teacher blew his whistle. "Alright, that's enough!" Mr. Sepia yelled, Safira instantly letting up on the pressure and standing up. "Crimson, you lose your calm far too easy, and there isn't a Grimm alive who won't take advantage of a Huntsmen losing it, even if they don't realize they're doing it. Safira; I'm getting real tired of having to repeat this but...while your pin was impressive, the only Grimm who'd that work on would be a Beowolf, and they won't care a bit if their arm hurts as they try and bite your neck off. You need to stop relying so much on your opponent making mistakes and more on dealing fatal damage, if you want to fight against people then join the police." The retired Huntsman berated, the young Faunus turning away and grumbling under her breath. Ok sure, he did have a point about the whole not trying to pin a Grimm thing, but Safira wasn't that stupid! And besides, Sarah didn't really know how to fight against Grimm other than going for the vitals so what choice did the Faunus have but to use the techniques that Sarah taught her? "Now then, Claret, Aqua, your up!" the teacher continued to yell as the two kids in question jumped slightly at their names being called before running up. Safira for her part took a second to catch her breath before offering her hand to Crimson who was still on the ground. However, instead the boy simply scowled and knocked her hand away as he stood back up and walked back to the rest of the class. Safira a little surprised at just how unsurprised she was at his actions.

"...well, glad to see that that brat's finally starting to mature. He didn't even mutter any slurs at you this time! We're fighting back against racism one brawl at a time!" Sarah sarcastically commented, clearly intending to make Safira lose it. thankfully, Safira had had years of practice in dealing with random jokes and comments that no one but her could hear, and so she was more than prepared to swallow her laughter, although considering how much her chest was shaking with suppressed laughter the young Faunus couldn't exactly tell just how successful she was in hiding her reaction.

...To be fair, I don't think that Crimson is really that bad of a fighter. He just...really doesn't take losing all that well. Safira tried to defend her classmate, her excuse sounding pretty pathetic even to her, and since Sarah just snorted in response, she doubted the spirit thought any different.

As she rejoined the class, although she made sure to move all the way to the back and stand just a little away from the group considering that it still made her incredibly uncomfortable to be surrounded by that many people, to many places the knife could come from, to many ways someone could grab her, Safira noticed out of the corner of her eye that Yang was giving her a thumbs up from the other side of the gathered students. While the blonde did hang out with her a lot during class, Yang was just too nice, to outgoing, and to cool of a person to not be one of the most popular kid in the class, heck, she was probably one of the most well-known girls in the whole school at this point and they were only in their second year! And because of that she almost always had a pretty sizable group of people hanging around her. She had invited Safira to join their conversations, multiple times at this point, but...

Yang might not notice, the brawler being someone who always tried to see the good in people, but the first few times she had tried to join their group she had immediately caught on to how some people narrowed their eyes at her, how they shifted slightly away from her, how they'd scowl slightly if she started to talk. to her trained senses, they're racism was practically on full display. Sure, they weren't all bad, as there were a few of them who while not outright racists, just treated her like any other classmate, but the few who were...just brought out too many bad memories.

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