The Phantom and The Angel Part 3

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Safira was so, so, nervous. So nervous that a part of her just wanted to run for the safety of her home and hide under the covers until her mommy came to find her and tell her how it wasn't ok to skip school.

It was her first day, and after being dropped off with a kiss and a hug Safira was now standing in the front of class, more kids than she had ever seen in her life staring back at her, each one a different age and with different looks. heck, there had to be at least twenty kids sitting around in the elders living room, the place where they were gonna have their classes.

Nnnn...I-I wanna go home. The winged Faunus very nearly cried, desperately trying to not run away but losing her will to remain with every passing second.

Fortunately, or unfortunately maybe she still wasn't sure, she never got the chance to run. As a warm hand patted her on the head and drew her attention away from the stares, a hand that she eventually realized belonged to her best friend in the whole world.

"Calm down Safira, just take a deep breath, hold it for a second, and breath out. Everything will be fine." Sarah told her with a laugh, Safira pouting slightly for a second before following her imaginary friend's advice.

...and it worked. When she let out her big gulp of air she felt...better, not super-duper better, but better.

She would've thanked the older girl, but before she could the elder in charge of the class, a really, really, old guy named Snow, stepped forward and cleared his throat drawing the classes attention to him.

"Everyone, we have a new child joining us today. This is Safira Ha-Neul, daughter of Zephyr and Terra Ha-Neul. I expect each of you to treat her how she deserves to be treated...understood?" The old teacher said, his voice kinda strange at the end but Safira was really just too nervous to think about it adults always sounded weird so it wasn't really that weird.

The kids sitting around the elder's house, a place that Sarah said was weird for school but Safira didn't see why, all nodded before looking at her again, Safira flinching under their stares only to shuffle her foot against the floor.

"Now that introductions are out of the way we can beginning class. Ha-Neul, please take a seat wherever you wish."

"Ok!" The winged Faunus shouted back, trying really hard to sound as excited as she could, Mom did say that the other kids would like her better if she was really friendly. But as she turned to take a spot in the front she couldn't help but stop. They were all still looking at her...and no one was smiling.

I...I changed my mind, I don't wanna sit in the front. Safira decided as she nervously ducked her head and maneuvered around the outside of the group to sit in the back, her head down and her cheeks red the entire time. N-nothing's going right...I thought I people would like me more.

"Oh Safira, don't worry so much. I'm sure at least someone here will like you. There's just not really any time for them to get to know you now that class is starting." Sarah replied to the young girl's thoughts both ignoring Elder Snow as he began to talk about adding things together, something Safira had learned ages ago from her imaginary friend.

"Nnnn..." Safira whined, realizing only a second later that she was complaining out loud and that her new classmates were looking at her strangely causing her to blush even harder and lower her head.

"Ya, it's probably a good idea to not talk to me out loud around others little angel, that's just going to make it harder to make friends." The older girl commented with a giggle as she drifted away, Safira's pout only growing worse despite the fact that she managed to keep her lips sealed.

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