The Phantom and the Angel Part 12

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Sarah waited until the sun was just over the horizon before turning back to her charge and preparing to wake her up. Sure, it was technically the first day of school and it would probably be smarter to get the young Faunus up as early as possible to get ready for the day...but after everything that happened yesterday, the spectral teen was more than willing to give Safira an extra ten minutes of sleep.

In complete honesty, Sarah was absolutely furious at the world in that moment, human and faunus alike. Sure, she had been expecting more than a little racism from Safira's classmates. They were just kids after all and they wouldn't start forming their own opinions about the world for a couple more years, most probably having grown up around the hatred and just accepting it as normal. But she couldn't find it in herself to forgive those faunus who had fled at the sight of her wings. She had expected some of the other faunus to be skittish around her, after all there weren't many kids her age back on Menagerie who were willing to speak to her, just Blake, the daughter of one of the most important faunus of the current era. And Adam, who was...well, kind of an idiot and too stubborn to care about that kind of stuff.

But here? On practically the other side of the world? She would have at least thought that the legend of the winged faunus wouldn't be as prevalent...and apparently, she had been very, very wrong. If anything, it looked like because the faunus of Signal hadn't been exposed to her from a young age, they considered her even more above them than those who lived back on the land granted to the Faunus.

Well...this situation is going FUBAR pretty quickly. Should I try and convince her to give up on-no, I can't be that manipulative to her after swearing to support her. She made this choice; she'll have to be the one to decide to give it up if it really is too difficult for her. Sarah considered for a second before shaking her head to dispel such thoughts.

Thankfully, she didn't have to consider such thoughts for long, as the sound of a door to the dorm room opening and closing drew her attention. Sarah turned away from the window to see Safira's new roommate, Tuli Ansger, walked back into the room dressed in her uniform. The red head not even glancing at the sleeping Safira as she grabbed her things and left, slamming the door behind her.

Sarah couldn't help but scowl as she forced calming feelings though the mental link she shared with the young Faunus, the noise too loud for her to fully keep Safira from reacting, but at the very least she was able to prevent her from jumping up in shock. In a twisted sort of way, Tuli was lucky that her unique form of racism wasn't as overt as other humans, as she was just passive enough to not have earned Sarah's ire. The spectral assassin wouldn't tolerate a more normal form of racism and would've had to intervene if she was more overt. But for now, she would watch and wait for the inevitable breaking point, her actions at that time dependent on just how far Tuli would go.

But her attention was diverted from such thoughts as her charge slowly sat up, her brain slowly starting to boot up. "...wahh...what time is it?" Safira questioned out loud, the young faunus trying and failing to blink the sleep from her eyes. Thankfully her roommate was already gone, as it wouldn't do for the already prejudiced human to hear her seemingly talking to herself.

"Should be about six thirty or so." Sarah answered easily as she floated over to the faunus and smiled, trying to remain as positive as she could in order to combat the younger girl's depression. Though she was only somewhat successful, as Safira smiled up at her as she stretched, but underneath the grin Sarah could still feel the weight of unease in her mind. "From what I remember yesterday you have about an hour till your first class starts at seven sharp, so you should have just enough time to get cleaned up and have some breakfast."

"...Mphm..." The young girl half growled, half whined, as her legs finally finished booting up, the faunus slowly beginning to extract herself from the bed.

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