The Phantom and the Angel Part 2

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Safira ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, barely listening to all the adults telling her to slow down. Slow down? Stop running? Heck no! Not only was today one of the greatest days ever, because mommy had let her go to the market by herself to get dinner. And sure, she might be really tired after running around so much after getting to go outside again after so long but one of the adults by the place where all the ships came in told her the bestest news ever.

Her daddy was coming home today! He might even be home right now if she tried her hardest!

And so the young Faunus as fast as her little legs could carry her back in the direction of her home. Unfortunately, in her haste, she forgot to keep her wings tucked against her back. So when a rouge gust of wind blew through the crowded streets of the port market her animal appendages flared outward as they caught the air, pulling the startled girl upwards slightly before dropping her unceremoniously on the pavement.

The blue haired girl stared wide eyed at her skinned knee, completely shell shocked, before the pain began to set in. pain, so much more pain than the pre-schooler had ever felt in her life, began to overwhelm her and tears started to streak down her slightly chubby cheeks.

But before the Faunus could fully get the waterworks open a sigh drew her attention. "See? I told you that it wasn't a good idea to run with so many people around." The black haired older girl commented an almost motherly smile on her face as she floated nearby.

"B-but...but Daddy...D-Daddy is..." The girl stuttered, trying her hardest to stop her tears despite the overwhelming pain in her knee.

But in the next second her focus was instantly draw away from the pain as she felt a warm hand on her head, gently petting her hair as her companion leaned down next to her. "...Oh alright, just because today is so important and dad might be home I'll show you a secret to making pain go away." The girl declared in an almost smug voice, Safira's pain now completely forgotten as she looked up at into the blue eyes of her best friend.

"R-really?" The girl tried to confirm, almost as if she wasn't sure that the older girl was telling the truth, her grin only growing when the black haired girl nodded slowly. "Show me! Show me!"

"Well all right, if I have to." The older girl said with another sigh that even Safira knew was fake before placing her hand just over the little Faunus's knee. "Pain, pain, go away!" The older girl chanted happily and before Safira's eyes her skinned knee fixed itself. The child couldn't believe her eyes as there was a brief flash of black-something and suddenly she didn't hurt so bad, her knee was still a little red where she skinned it but still, no more hurt!"

"Oh my gosh, that was so cool! You're the best Sarah!" The winged Faunus shouted as she jumped up to hug the floating girl, the older teen laughing lightly and patting Safira on the head.

"Your welcome, we're friends after all right? But don't you have something more important to do than just hugging me?" Sarah asked, Safira scrunching up her face in thought for a few seconds before remembering what she was doing.

"Oh right! Daddy! And Mommy wanted dinner!" The blue haired kid continued to shout as she whipped her head around to figure out where she had dropped the fish, found said scaly creatures, and took off in the direction of her home, Sarah gently floating just over her head as she always did when Safira was moving.

The blue haired Faunus couldn't help but grin widely as she enjoyed not being in crippling pain. She really loved Sarah, her bestest friend in the whole world. Her imaginary friend, at least that was what Mommy had called Sarah when Safira talked about her, was always around, always so nice, and told all the best stories whenever she got bored! Safira wasn't sure when she made up such an awesome best friend, cause' she couldn't remember there ever being a day when the black haired flying lady wasn't around, but she really didn't care. She was just so cool! And pretty soon she could show her off to other kids for the first time! So why worry about where the floating girl came from when she was Safira's only friend?

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