The Phantom and the Angel Part 11

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Safira tried not to fidget too much as she waited in line to finish her Signal application, though she couldn't really help but swallow nervously despite herself. It had been a little over one month since she had arrived on patch and had started living as a guest of the Xiao Long and Rose family-she had never managed to find out why they had three total last names to their family- it was time for her to move in to the dorms offered by the school. That was, of course, assuming she passed the transfer exam.

Not to say that she didn't enjoy her time in their log mansion or whatever you wanted to call it, but the family was just so active that she wasn't sure if she could keep up. If Ruby and Yang weren't playing tag or some other game where they ran around at breakneck speeds then they were playing video games on their Scrolls. And if they weren't doing either of those two things then they were training with their father. Safira had tried hard to remain in the background during the day, after all she was a guest and didn't want to incontinence them anymore than she needed to, but every time she just tried to watch Ruby or Yang would see her, call her over, and after she shook her head and politely declined they would simply resort to dragging her along.

It was fun of course, so much fun. Almost as much fun as the last time she had made friends. But it was also exhausting and made her heart hurt sometimes, and it was at those times that she had to rely on Sarah to help her with the pain. And a part of her hated that, that she was forcing her sprit sister to use up her precious Aura just so she could play. Sarah of course said it was fine, that she was happy to use the stuff for whatever Safira needed, but now that she was moving out Sarah shouldn't have to waste any more of her energy on her.

Assuming of course that I manage to pass this test. Safira couldn't help but think, her depressing thoughts making her sigh in an attempt to release her nerves. She had already taken a standard test testing her general knowledge, such as basic math and history, but now she had to take a test to see if she could join the Huntsmen/Huntress course and gods only knew how hard it would be.

"Relax Safira, you'll do fine." Sarah commented from somewhere off in the distance, the older girl having said that she was going to go and look around while Safira waited.

"That's easy for you to say. What if its some really long test? What if I have to show some kind of really hard Aura technique? What if its math?!" Safira couldn't help but complain back, Sarah laughing though their link at her expense.

"Like I said, don't worry about it. And if worst comes to worst you can just ask me for the answers." Sarah answered easily, Safira nearly gasping in shock at what the older girl was implying.

"Sarah! I can't cheat on my entrance exam!"

"I'd wouldn't necessarily call it cheating. More like your making use of an information source available to you and only you." Sarah answered back. "But if you're really that worried, why don't you try some breathing exercises to pass the time. Taiyang did teach you a few after all."

"...I guess." Safira relented as she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, trying to get as much air into her lungs without making much noise.

And thankfully, it wasn't long until she was called up. "Number thirty-two, Safira Ha-Neul, please come to the front." A bored sounding woman called out over the loudspeaker in the auditorium they were currently seated in, Safira only jumping slightly at her name as she stood up and quickly made her way to the desk they had indicated. Once there, she met the bored looking woman the voice belonged to, a woman with frazzled looking pink hair in a loose bun and eyes that had too many bags underneath them.

"Safira Ha-Neul?"

"Y-Yes!" Safira answered, trying hard to keep her nerves out of her voice.

"Alright, please place your hands on the panel before you so we may determine if your Aura is active." The tired looking woman commanded as she gestured to a fancy looking machine sitting on the table. Safira nodded once, gulped audibly, and placed her hands on the handprint spots the lady indicated. The strange machine made a really loud clicking noise followed by a sound like it was powering up before the green light on the side of the device light up for a second.

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