The Phantom and the Angel Part 4

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After months of having Blake as a friend, Safira honestly wasn't sure if it was better to have real friends or an imaginary one. Sure, Sarah was super awesome and kinda like an older sister, but Blake was real! She could talk to the cat Faunus without people looking at her weird. They could eat lunch together! And best of all, since she was the daughter of the big guy who ran the city everyone was really friendly with her and Safira whenever they went outside to play.

Well ok, they really didn't go outside all that often, 'cause Blake liked reading a whole lot and her family did own a lot of books. But Safira had already spent a lot of time reading before she met the cat Faunus so she would often push Blake into going outside more often, to the markets, to the one park in all of the city, and to the place they were visiting today, the beach.

"Are you ok Safira? You look kinda pale." Blake asked as she gazed down worriedly at the panting Safira, said blue haired girl laying in the sand on her back, her eyes closed as she tried to get as much air into her lungs as she could.

"K-kinda...its really hard to swim with these stupid wings." The girl eventually managed to get out as she gestured lazily over her back, the wings twitching slightly as she moved the muscles in her back. "Your really lucky to have such cool ears Blake, they let you hear better and they don't get in your way like mine do all the time...I can't even use mine, they hurt my back too much. And mommy says that they're why I get tired so often...they suck." Safira continued, the beginnings of a pout forming on her face.

"O-oh...but I your wings are really pretty though." Blake commented quietly as she sat down in the sand too.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much Safira, you've got a long life to live and I'm certain that one day you'll be able to use your wings." Safira flinched slightly at the voice of her invisible friend, having forgotten she was there. Sarah didn't talk as much when Safira was around Blake. She just kinda...waited off to the side. She still helped with homework and reading the really hard stuff when Blake wanted to though they weren't allowed to read Samurai's of Love anymore, 'cause Blake's mom caught them and told them it wasn't a book for kids with a really, really, red face, but otherwise she didn't do much.

Maybe...maybe that means that I don't need an imaginary friend anymore? Safira considered for a moment before a towel landed on her face, the young Faunus squeaking in surprise, removing said towel, and finding herself staring up into the amused eyes of Blake's mom, Kali.

"Don't worry Sweetie, a lot of Faunus take awhile to grow into their traits. And even if you don't, your wings are still very beautiful." She commented as she helped dry off her daughter, ignoring the whine that escaped from the black-haired girl's lips. "Now why don't you get dried off so I can get you back to your mother. It is getting late after all and we wouldn't want either of you two to get caught by a nighttime Grimm."

"Ok!" Safira cheered as she started to dry off, Blake's mom helping her dry off her wings when she had finished with her own daughter.

Eventually they managed to get Safira dry enough to the point where her wings weren't so waterlogged that she couldn't stand and with the days activities finished they began to head back into the city, only having to stop a few times when someone wanted to talk to Miss. Belladonna about adult stuff.

But Safira didn't care about that and Sarah wasn't making it any easier for her to understand what they were talking about, so instead of paying attention to the adults she turned to her friend with a really big grin on her face. "Are you excited Blake?"

"Eh? Um...What about?"

"The field trip of course!" Safira whisper-shouted back to her friends confused expression. "We get to go out of the city for the first time ever! I can't wait! Can you?"

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