The Phantom and the Angel Part 8

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"You know, I keep thinking that one day I'm going to grow tired of watching this-" Sarah started to muse out loud as Safira once again threw the heavy rubber ball Terra had gotten for her at the corner wall of the Chieftain's home. Only for the very same ball to smack her in the face and send her to her knees. "-But then you go and do something like that and make this so much better." The ghost finished with a snicker.

"...Sarahhh!" The bluenette whined out as she rubbed her forehead, the young Faunus continuing to lay on the ground as she did so.

Thank god Safira's finally old enough to appreciate sarcasm, I was getting tired of holding back because of how young she was. "Sorry, sorry, my mistake. Here, let me help you up." Sarah couldn't help but think as she laughed and held out her hand for Safira, the green-eyed girl only hesitating for a second before grabbing the offered appendage. Sure, it would probably cause a normal person to pass out from seeing Safira get pulled to her feet by an invisible force, but thankfully no one ever really bothered them when they hid out in Blake's old back yard. Plus, they were using the wall of the guest house for this particular exercise, and since there wasn't a chieftain around to have guests, the place was pretty much abandoned.

It had been a few months since the White Fang was founded and Safira's training was in full swing at this point. Not that Safira had much else to do nowadays. Ever since the incident, Safira was almost never allowed to leave the chieftain's house, as Safira and her mother hand been invited to live with Blake's mom while the rest of their families were away. Heck, she wasn't even allowed to go to that old Elder's house for schooling anymore, the little winged Faunus learning everything she needed from Terra, Kali, and Sarah now.

And without Blake or Adam around to spend time with, Safira had of course started to spend all her time with Sarah, even more than before the young Faunus had made friends.

"...Sarah? Are you sure this will help me learn how to fight? It seems like a waste of time to me." The bluenette complained as she looked down at the unassuming rubber ball with barely concealed hatred. Not that it was undeserved, as the little orb was responsible for more bruises at this point than anything else in Safira's life.

And Sarah couldn't help but laugh once again at the younger girls look. I'm sure, I was trained in a pretty similar manner after all." The black-haired girl comforted as she patted Safira's head.

"But...why? I mean, shouldn't I be doing sprints, or lifting heavy things, or something like that to get stronger? That's what all the advertisements I see on the Remnnet show people doing and they look pretty strong." Safira continued arguing, a slight pout on her slightly less chubby cheeks.

"...That's true, you could do those things...but they really wouldn't help that much in the long run." Sarah finally got serious as she gazed down at Safira, the little Faunus blinking slightly at the sudden change in her ghost sister's tone.

"E-eh? Why?"

"Because you don't have the body for that kind of training." Sarah answered simply as she pointed down at the rubber ball. "I'm sorry to say Safira, but you'll never be as strong, or as fast, as your peers. Your mom doesn't talk about it much, but I know she has a pretty weak constitution, a weakness you inherited from her."

" that's why I get so tired all the time when playing with...with people. Because Mommy-mom has a weak body too?" Safira clarified as she looked away for a moment. The young Faunus still wasn't all that willing to talk about her friends, friends who were no longer around, and while Sarah hadn't ever actually asked about it, she was pretty sure that Safira was feeling a little jealous about being left behind and probably didn't want to talk about it.

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