The Phantom and the Angel Part 10

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To say that Safira was feeling a little nervous as the massive buildings of Vale came into view would be really underselling how bad she felt. Her stomach felt like it was twisting and turning in her chest and it almost made her want to vomit, and not like she had been at the start of the trip because of all the rocking the ship was doing.

It had been two months, two incredibly long months, since she had Sarah had been sent out on a ship headed straight to Vale. Safira was a little surprised at first that none of the adults had insisted on accompanying her, since she was apparently some kinda really important person of something because of her wings. but from what Sarah had overheard, apparently none of the Elders had been all that ok with her going off to another country, not to mention her learning how to be a Huntress, so they apparently ordered her to receive no guards or spending money in an attempt to make her nervous about going out into the world by herself.

Fortunately for the young Faunus she happened to be friends with the daughter of the chieftain and her dad's not so inconsiderable savings from all his Huntsmen missions, so she would be fine for a good while as long as she didn't go crazy on spending, something that Sarah had promised Safira's mom to watch out for. And as far as guards went, well, who better to protect her than someone no one but Safira could see?

And so, the day came when they managed to find a trading ship that was headed straight to Vale after leaving Menagerie. Safira had cried, her mom had cried, and while the spirit constantly denied it, the winged Faunus had seen a few tears fall down the older girls' cheeks as she turned away from the two hugging Faunus. And after promising to write and call whenever she got the chance and to be careful, for both of them to be careful, the young Faunus stepped aboard ready to start a new chapter in her life...

...of course, that was before she realized just how mind-numbingly boring being stuck on a boat for two months would be. She couldn't really train much beyond what she could do in the tiny room they had given her, she couldn't do her ball dodging exercises without getting yelled at by the people in the next room to stop throwing things at the wall, and with so little people on the ship, she couldn't even try the whole 'people watching' thing that Sarah had wanted her to practice because every time she tried she would get noticed staring and then the just thing was kinda pointless. Not to mention that since she was technically on a merchant ship there wasn't even that many people to look at.

"I'm so bored!" Safira had complained just two days into their little adventure, the young Faunus not even bothering to talk in her mind as she was certain that everyone else on the boat was feeling the same too. "Do you have any ideas Sarah? A story? Game? Heck, I'll even do some training at this point." She continued, the older spirit laughing lightly at her misery.

"I've got a few more stories to tell...but before that I might have something we can train in...although I'm not sure its something you'd want to do." Sarah answered, the spirit looking away with a really serious look on her face.

"That's fine! Just so long as its something to do." Safira had complained at the time.

"Well...ok then." Sarah had answered after a moment, taking a deep breath despite not having lungs, and turned back to the younger Faunus. "We can practice me possessing you."


The spirit girl had informed her about a time that she had accidently possessed Safira while the Faunus was asleep, accidently moving the younger girls arm when she had ghosted past, and that since it was possible they should both try and get used to the feeling just in case she needed they needed to do it in the future. Safira had agreed after a few minutes, not really sure about the whole thing but trusting that the older girl knew what she was doing.

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