The Phantom and the Angel Part 7

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"Bye mom, see you." Safira murmured quietly up to her mom as she hugged the older woman. Her mommy holding her a lot tighter than she normally did, the young Faunus finding more comfort in that embrace than ever before.

"Have fun at the Belladonna's home and just...just be careful alright?" Her mom warned, her smile looking painful than ever before, as she tucked a stray lock of blue hair behind Safira's ear before gently turning the winged Faunus around to see her two guards for the day. Both of the daddy-age men before her wearing the same black outfits that she had grown used to over the last few weeks. One was old, his mustache all grey and scraggly, while the other one was really young, looking between the two Ha-Nuel women with a really nervous expression.

"Do not worry Ms. Ha-Neul. We will allow no harm to come to your daughter. I swear to you on the honor of the Menagerie Guard." The moustache one said as he placed a hand over his heart and bowed to mommy, Terra smiling at the two men and bowing herself.

"Of course, I'm counting on you." Mommy answered before looking down at Safira and nodding knowingly. The young Faunus nodding back up at her mom with the same exactly look. Safria knowing exactly what her mom was talking about, her secret friend.

"You know, if you two keep making faces like that in public people are going to think somethings up, and it's pretty unlikely they'll guess right so who knows what kind of rumors will start floating around." The Ha-Neul familie's ever present ghost commented from somewhere over Safira's head, the young Faunus wanting to giggle at the funny tone her dead friend was using but swallowing said laughter instead, she didn't wanna look crazy to her guards after all. The blunette turning around and slowly walking in the direction of her best friend's house all while maintaining her straight face.

Safira was glad, so very glad, that her daddy hadn't told Sarah to leave that night like he had wanted to and instead allowed her to stay in their family. Her mommy and daddy had talked a lot to the ghost girl, Safira repeating whatever the older girl said back to her parents 'cause they still couldn't hear her. They had talked about where Sarah had come from, the spectral girl talking about more places Safira didn't recognize, to the weird energy thing that Sarah did sometimes, a thing called Aura apparently. And while Safira was always excited to learn new things about the black-haired ghost, the real reason she wanted Sarah to stay was because she...she just really didn't wanna be alone so soon after...after...

Blade pressed against her throat, angry, mean, eyes glaring down at her, fear-somuchfear.

"Safira!" Sarah shouted, the green-eyed girl flinching out of her thoughts to realize that she had stopped walking, her two guards looking down at her in concern.

"Is something wrong Princess?" The younger of the two guards asked her, the man using that weird nickname that people had started calling her by when she got back from...the shipblade against her throat-.

Safira sucked in a breath before clamping down on those thoughts. She didn't wanna-couldn't think about that right now, instead she put on her best fake smile and looked up at the two adults with her. "No, I'm ok. Just thinking about stuff."

The mustache man didn't really look like he believed her but nodded anyway as he gestured in the direction of Blake's house. "I see. Then shall we continue Princess? It would look poorly upon us if we delayed for too long." He asked, Safira humming in agreement as they moved forward.

They only managed to make it a few steps before Safira felt a bunch of nice feeling feelings coming though their link, the young Faunus smiling slightly at the good feelings before frowning a little in confusion. Ever since she woke back up and had been told what exactly had happened her spirit friend hadn't really said anything about that night other than talk about what the older girl saw. She was always around, which was really nice when she had nightmares and woke up crying, but at the same time everyone she knew was constantly asking if she was ok and looking at her sadly, a look Sarah had explained was pity...except for Sarah. Did she...did she make the older girl angry somehow? Was Sarah ignoring her? These were the thoughts that were constantly running though her head nowadays...and that wasn't even mentioning the other thing that she wanted to think about, the decision she wanted to make but was just too scared to think about. What if she wasn't strong enough? What if...what if she was going to be this afraid her whole life?

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