Chapter 6: Bestfriend

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Brad's POV

It's been a week since I said something to Angie. I can't get her out of my mind. She's creeping to my soul.

Where is Jen? She's dead.

Sht! Where's my wife????

I looked for my phone and dialed her number.

*kring kring* *kring kring*

"Hello?" She said sleepily.

"Where are you?!" I asked her with an angry tone!

"You don't care." She said.

Ahh! Ohh my. What is happening to this girl?

"Fine! Go home when you're done!" I shouted and ended the call.

I have to go somewhere. In a place that can make me feel so special.

And that is. The Jolie house.

I went out of my house and .. Of course walked. Just kidding! I get in my car and switched it and I drinked water and ... Ohh! Do I need to explain?

'No Brad.' My other self said.

'Yeah right.' I replied to myself.

?? I am crazy.

At last I arrived at my babe's house.

Shut up 2nd Brad! Don't say anything!

I knocked on the door and Holly welcomed me. Holly is .. Wait, you already knew who she is. Hahaha

"Ohh! Hey Brad!" She said.

"Hii! Where's Mad?" I asked immediately. I love that kid already.

"Mad! You have a visitor!" Holly said to the kid. I heard her.

Mad looked at me and i saw joy in his eyes. He ran towards me. This is what I want. A kid. I just don't understand why Jen doesn't want to have a kid.

"Daddy!" What the hell??! Daddy?!

Wait! I want to be a dad but. This is so fast! Maybe tabloids will speak about this again. I don't want Maddox to get hurt too you know.

But, this is what he wants and this is what I want too. So ...

"Hey Mad!" I greeted him and brought him into my arms and hugged him. Ohh so cute!

"Where's mommy?" I asked him. I miss her.

"She's in her room, Brad. I can't talk to her right now. She has a big problem." Holly whispered.

That made me worried so bad. I immediately went to her room and paused for a moment. I breathe and knocked. She doesn't answer so I opened the door.

I saw her sitting at the edge of the room with her hands on her face and sobbed.

"Angie." I called.

She looked at me. Her eyes so dark and full of terror.

"Brad? What are you doing here??" She asked while wiping her tears with her hands.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

I am hurt to see her cry. I don't know why. But I have this confidence that I don't want anyone to hurt her.

I hugged her and she cried louder.

"Brad." She sobbed.

Nooo, i really don't want to see her like this. I will start a fight with that question!

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