Chapter 9: Happiness

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Brad's POV

After I went out of George's house, I drove into my car all the way to my house.

It's now or never! Jen and I need to talk. I opened the door and found her on the living room watching television.

"Ehem." I coughed to catch her attention.

She looked at me and I saw eyebags in her eyes. I went near her and sat down.

"How are you?" I asked her.

She looked so ... Ugly because of her uncleaned face.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"Well, you're not good? Where have you been this last few days?" I asked.

"Should I asked you that question too? Where have you been this last few days?" She asked.

"I should be here with you. But I didn't see you here. So I went outside. I will not make myself a prisoner in this house!" I said.

"So where were you?" She asked.

"Taping of course. How about you?" I asked.

"Anywhere, hang out with friends, bar." She said.

Ohh look at that. She thinks what she's doing is right.

"Why do you do that?" I asked

"Why? Is there any problem?" She asked.

"Yes there is Jen. What you just said is wrong. You didn't even answer my calls or my text messages. You know what let's just end this Jen. I want a divorce." I said.

"What? Why do you want a divorce? You don't want me anymore because you like someone else?? Because you like Angelina? Because I don't want to have a child you will find someone who can give you one?" She laughed but tears are coming out of her eyes.

"No Jen. Look , we have trust issues here. We have problems in our marriage. The fact that you don't tell me what you're doing or where you're going is already a reason for me to let you go. And don't put Angelina into this. If whatever happens to me and her I will be thankful for that. I don't know the future. And about Angelina having my child? So what? She's young, sexy, and beautiful as ever. Ohh and she already received an oscar so it wouldn't be hard for her to leave a movie and be pregnant. Unlike you, you prioritize your career than me. Than your husband!"

"Ohh. What am I going to do with you Bradley. It seems like she hypnotized you. Well, as you wish I will sign the divorce papers. Because you wrecked this marriage! I wonder what the paparazzi would say if they know about this. Ohh and I would answer on some interviews that Angelina Jolie is the reason why the Golden Couple is gone! hahahahahaha" she mocked me.

"Don't you dare say anything like that! Listen Jen, if you do that, you will regret that you say that! C'mon! They didn't do anything! I just don't want this life anymore. I want something new! I'm not happy, okay? Just make me happy. Please. Look, if you just sign the divorce papers, it will mean a lot to me. Not because I can marry Angelina. But I will be happy. I'm not happy here. Can't you see? This house is not happy as before. And I know you feel that too Jen. Just sign it and both of us is free. We can do anything we want and you can find someone who can love you truly and fully. We can still be friends you know. But we will never came back to the once we were before." I explained.

She hugged me and tears came out of her eyes.

"That is exactly what I feel. I don't know what to do this past few days." She sobbed.

"Shhh. It's okay. I didn't figured it out fast too. But I did." I said.

She kept on hugging me and she's gripping my shirt and kept on crying.

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