Chapter 12

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Brad's POV

I am having fun because of Angelina and Maddox. I have never felt this kind of happiness before.

I am here at their house. Why can't I change things fast? I want to have this kind of family. But I cannot do it because Jen hasn't signed the divorce papers yet.

We're watching The Lion King. The all time favorite of Maddox. I bought him something too. I bought him a box of toys. Angie scolded me about that. She said, I'm going to spoil Maddox and it's not good. But, what can I do? This kid is worth spoiling.

"I laugh in the face of danger! Hahaha!" Maddox mimicked the voice of Simba.

"How many time did he watch this movie?" I asked Angelina.

"A lot! He memorizes it too." She said smiling.

I grabbed her gently and hugged her. I inhaled her hair. Ohh. She smells so good. I can stay in here forever. She didn't protest about our position too and Maddox concentrates on the movie so he didn't mind us.

"Brad? Are you okay?" She asked while looking at me.

I watch her lips move.

"Yes babe. I'm fine. Just a little bit of wait. Okay?" I said.

She nodded her head and watched the movie. My phone rang and I grabbed it. I looked at the caller ID and it's Jen.

Angelina looked at me with a questioningly look.

"It's Jennifer. Don't worry." I said and answered the call.

I didn't bother to go out. Why would I hide?

"Where are you? I need you." She said seductively.

I just rolled my eyes. I don't like her. She sounds like a dog coughing. She thinks she can get me back with that? No way!

"It's friday tomorrow. And as you said, you will sign it. I'll bring the papers tomorrow. Let's meet at **** place at 1:00 in the afternoon. No more questions and not more words from you. Shut up! Bye." I said and hanged the call.

Angie looked at me the whole time while I am talking to Jen. Her eyes are watery. That's why I ended the call early.

I hugged her so tight. I can feel her sob a little.

"Sshh. It's gonna be alright. I promise." I assured her.

I know ehat she's afraid of. She's afraid of what people would think of her. Not that she cares about them, but she cares about Mad. That the kid's life is joined here.

She stopped sobbing and looks at me.
"Thank you." She whispered.

"I love you." I whispered back.

I see her blush. See? I know she likes me. And I know she will love me.

Maddox looked at us quickly and returned his gaze to the TV Screen.

We watched the rest of the movie until everybody was tired and have fallen asleep. I sleep with Angelina and Mad. Maddox is in between us.
I feel so happy. Just sign the papers Jen. I said in my mind. And drifted of to sleep.

Ethan's POV

Uh-huh. I waited for her to call me. I thought she will say sorry. I know she wants us to be just friends. But, I can't accept that. I just said it last time for me to look happy in front of her.

Yes, I admit that I like her and I want to be with her. But this f*cking man, BRAD PITT, came into her life and set her world into a happy place! And I hate that!

True Love Lasts In HollywoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora