Chapter 2 : Curiousity / First talk

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Angelina's POV

"Mommy?" my son called.

"Yeah, baby?" I said.

Why is he so so so cute!!

"Can I have your pizza? I'm still hungry."

Ohh no. He can't eat more. He's getting heavy.

"please mommy. PLEASE!" he prolonged the last word.

Ohhh. sht. He's really cute! How can I resist this now?

I sighed. Okay. I just lost.

"Okay baby. Here."

I handed my pizza to the child.

"But, don't eat too much, okay? Because when you get fat, mommy can't carry you anymore." I said while pouting which made Maddox giggle.

"Okay mommy." Maddox kissed my cheeks.

Aww.. My baby is so so sweet.

I didn't regret adopting him. He's from Cambodia. So, he's Cambodian. He's a loving kid. Sometimes, he asks me why doesn't he have a 'daddy'. I always tell him that, He doesn't need a daddy, Mommy's here.

I just can't find a man who would love me and Maddox. But soon, I know I will find him.

"Mommy.. Ahhh... Uhmm.. can we go to .. Ahhh.." He said.

I know this kid wants something.

"What is it baby? C'mon, tell mommy."

"Ahhh.. Uhmm... Can we.. go to the .. swimming pool?" He asked.

And looked at the floor.

He never went to a pool before. I wonder ..

"Sure honey. We're going to the swimming pool!"

He looked at me with so much happiness. 

"Really mom?" He asked.

"Yesssss! Now let's go and pack our things." I told him.

"Ohh.. Yeah! Ohh yeah yeah yeah!" He started dancing.

"Hahahaha! Ohh yeah! You're a good dancer Mad!" I told him while laughing.


We went to our room to pack our things. Then, I remembered what Doug told me. I am very curious! !!!! Ahhhhhh shit.

Who could be Mr. Smith? I mean, it's obvious because of the title. -_-

(At the pool)

"I can't believe Doug ended the phone." I whispered to myself.

Now the question is really bothering me. Maddox is swimming on the pool, while here I am thinking about who my partner will be. I've been in this before, so why bother Angie?

I heard my name being called. I know that voice! I turned to face the voice, and I saw my son drowning!

"Ahhhhhhh! Mooommmmmmyyy!!!"

He keeps on shouting. Ohhhh fuck! What am I doing???!

"Baby, it's okay! Hang on!" I said panicking!!!

I jumped at the pool and swim towards Maddox. I caught his unconscious body and put him in my arms and called Holly. I don't know what to do! I cried.

"Holly! fuck Holly! Where are you??!! Help!!!" I shouted. Then she came! She's Mad's nanny.

"Give him to me!" she shouted at me. Aahhh! How dare she?! No time Angie! 'Just give Mad to her'. I followed what the voice said.

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