Chapter 21

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Kokichi takes a deep breath in and breaths out. He had decided that he'll talk about the events that were happening at Hope's Peak. Why? He needed to at least let someone know how he's feeling about that.

"You know in the past week, people have been avoiding me?" Kokichi questioned. He needed to see if Gonta knew about it or was just blind to even see it.

"Hm..Gonta had notice it but didn't know why? Gonta tried to ask friends but didn't get question answered."

"So you did notice... When? If you remember correctly."

"Gonta does not really remember exact day.. But Gonta thinks it was a Friday."

".. That was the day after the incident... Or the day in which some people started to avoid me, after that day was when everyone started to avoid me.."

"Gonta got day right then?"

"Yup! You have a good memory to remember the day!" Kokichi congrats the Bug Lover. Gonta smiles and thanks the small Leader.

"Alright, So no one told you what happened on Thursday? Or what had happened?"

"Gonta wasn't told what happened.. Something bad happen on Thursday?"

So no one told Gonta..? Strange. Considering that who ever spread around what happened, would have told Gonta since he does hang out with me.. Kokichi tries thinks of why no one had told Gonta. Every possibility, but nothing had made sense.

Looks like I have to tell Gonta then huh? The leader half wished that Gonta knew about what happened so he wouldn't have to explain considering that he had basically agreed that Gonta and Kibbo meant nothing to him. That they were his hopeless puppets being used as he was the puppeteer controlling them. Regret swallowed him whole when he agreed to Shuichi's word's.

On the other half though, he was relieved that no one told his only best friend because then he wouldn't had had the courage to ask for help. Nor would he had ever came back to the beautiful valley, because if he did he would break down in tears and sorrow. Most important, the Leader wouldn't have his best friend anymore that made him smile and laugh when he was alone.

"...Well something bad did happened on Thursday." Kokichi mentally tells him to calm down, and so he began to tell the Giant what had happened on Thursday.
He told him about how he and Shuichi were playing chess and having fun.
That it was calm, but just before the storm. The leader told him the heartless words he said to answer Shuichi's question. He told him the words Shuichi had told him and how he agreed with Shuichi's questions that he asked him.

Kokichi felt an uneasiness as he told the story on what happened. It was honestly a surprise that he wasn't crying. Was it fear the caused him not to cry? Or was it vulnerability that he feared he would show?

Soon, the Purple haired boy had finish the story. He didn't know how many 'I'm sorry' he said during explaining what had happened.

"Gonta forgives Oma-kun. It was mistake after all." Kokichi felt shocked at those words, but felt a relief at the response from Gonta.

"Thank you... For being here and being my bestfriend.." The words carried deep sincere as the short boy spoked the words. Of course, it was a random thing to say but who the fuck cares.

"Gonta is happy to have Oma-kun as bestfriend too!" The small boy couldn't help but just smile at that. It was really the first- no, second time someone had said that to him. unfortunately, that first time was a long time ago and the person who said that to him was dead because of cancer.

I Need Help (A Kokichi Oma Angst Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now