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Today, Cavendish had to go to the mall, his toaster had broken a few days ago, and he was in need of a new one. He was getting rather tired of just eggs in the morning, no matter how he seasoned them, it wasn't the same without some perfectly toasted, buttered bread.

As he walked into the mall's lobby and heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, hi Cavendish" Milo greeted cheerily.

It just so happened that Cavendish found himself right next to Milo, Zack, and Mellisa.

"Oh, hello children" Cavendished smiled. "What are you three doing here"

"Milo's mom is doing a work thing and so we're all kinda just hanging out at the mall together" Mellisa explained.

"I see, have you any plans in particular?" Cavendish asked

"Not really, probably just going to hang around the food court, Milo might get us to build some crazy invention, normal teen stuff" Zack shrugged.

"Alright, I'll let you get to that then, I need to go get a toaster" The currently non-agent said, that's when his watch began to beep.

"Hey, what's that?" Milo questioned.

The three of them looked at the man curiously.

"Oh, er, uh, it's, I have a class here, yes, a class, in this mall, it's right now, so I'll be off, GOODBYE" He stammered, walking off quickly as he could, so he could get away from those children's questions and find a secret entrance.

He could have sworn it was somewhere right... there!

When Cavendish was out of the sight of the children he had found his way to a bright pink "out of order" vending machine. He walked over to it, leaning up against its side. He made sure no body was watching him, then pressed the button on his watch which changed him into his secret agent uniform. Discreetly, he placed his foot onto a identification pad disguised as a vent.

A green light scanned over the shoes, after which the wall of the vending machine sunk into the floor, letting Cavendish fall in. When he was fully inside, the wall rose back up again, as if nothing had even happened.

The agent fell off a slide with a "erf" and began his descent to the hideout. Although after a few seconds of sliding he stopped.

The man looked around confusedly for a few seconds, "what" he muttered. He shrugged and began pulling himself down the remainder of the slide with his hands, grumbling all the way.

Soon he reached the end and jumped off, running to the entrance of his base and jumping into the chair. The flickered on to reveal the face of Mr. Block.

Cavendish opened his mouth and pointed a finger to the slide, although before he could say anything, Mr. Block spoke.

"Yeah,our slide waxing guy is on jury duty this weekend," he explained passive aggressively, then without any further explanation he launched into his briefing.

"Anyway, Dr. Dakota has purchased some suspicious items, including," Mr. Blocks face disappeared and a new screen appeared on the TV, depicting helicopter blades, red balloons, and lightbulbs "4 helicopter blades, 2 dozen party balloons, and almost 6000 lightbulbs."

Cavendish jotted this down as he nodded along.

Then Mr. Block's face returned to the screen, although the picture of the lightbulbs with the "x6000" did not go away.

"He's hiding out at the old abandoned cake factory at the edge of t-" The hawk eyed man looked down and spotted the remaining clipart.

"BOB! The lightbulb is still on the screen!" Mr. Block shouted.

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