The Tinfoil Catastrophe

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Milo and his friend Zack were hanging out in the backyard, starting out how they did most days, under a big tree. It was nice, relaxing, but both boys felt it was quite boring, and that was something they did not like one bit.

 Milo looked up at the sky, thinking long and hard, before looking over at his friend. "Well Zack, what do you wanna do today" Milo asked.

Zack, who was currently playing a wizarding RPG on his phone, answered with a defeated "No idea" before going back to playing.

"How about you Diogee, have an idea?" Milo asked the small, oddly proportioned dog sitting between the kids.

The dog only gave a few puppy-like barks.

Milo Chuckled, patting the dog on the head.

Milo got a thoughtful look, "what about Cavendish, he's probably doing something neat" he said with a smile.

He and Zack walked over to the fence and peaked over the wall. From the other side one would only be able to see their eyes and hair.

Next door, sat a man in a patio chair, reading a red book. He had fairly short grey hair with a handlebar mustache to match, the kind that curled up at the ends. frameless glasses sat at the rim of his rather long nose. He wore a pair of brown pants, and a dark green cardigan, buttoned almost all the way, just enough to be able to see the white button up shirt he wore underneath. It was odd he wore such attire in the summer, but hey, everyone in Danville was a little odd in some way or another.

The man, who you may have assumed already to be Cavendish, looked up from his literature and waved to the children looking over at him, "Hello boys" he said cherrily.

The boys waved right back, returning the greeting "Hi Cavendish."

They walked to their spot under the tree. Zack looked at Milo, "You know, I don't know what we were expecting" he said blandly

Milo shrugged awkwardly, admitting that he didn't really know either. "he is just Cavendish, he doesn't do much"

Meanwhile on the other side of the fence, Cavendish just smiled and shook his head, listening to Milo's annual beginning of summer speech, about how he hates boredom and he and his friends had to do something to make the most of summer.

"I mean, our lives should be a roller coaster, and a good one at that, not like that one new ride at Lard World..." Milo paused, most likely having a flashback "That was not as enjoyable as the poster implied it to be, IF I WERE TO BUILD A ROLLER COASTER-"

Cavendish grinned to himself, and there was the idea for the first project of the summer.

"Zack! that's it, we should build a roller coaster!" Milo exclaimed.

Cavendish listened to the scribbling on paper and getting supplies. Though then came in the voice of Sara, talking about busting them, as she did everyday.

(Hi, just for future notice Sara won't be this way in future chapters she's more going to be about sometimes wanting to show her mom the inventions because she thinks they're cool and deserve recognition, just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention)

"When is that girl going to learn," Cavendish thought, "she should be enjoying her summer" he shook his head.

Back at Milo's house:

"Hey guys" came the voice of Mellisa, through the fence gate she walked into the backyard of the Flynns.

"Oh, Hi Mellisa" Milo said, digging through a toolbox.

"Hey" Zack greeted, currently working on the beginning rails of the coaster.

"What are you guys doing" Mellisa asked.

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