Architecture Android

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Cavendish was laying on his couch, watching a show called "Dr. Zone." It was... odd, to say the least.

He then heard the familiar beeping of his watch, calling him to action. He stood up, and walked to his bathroom, he shifted his eyes left and right, checking to see if the coast was clear, you can never be too careful as a secret agent, even when you're in your own home.

Once he had confirmed to himself that he was safe he pressed the button on his watch that changed him into his uniform. He took his hat out from behind it and placed it firmly on his head, before proceeding into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

Cavendish gave a side glance to the toilet. "No." he said aloud.

Cavendish had been told the first day he got this house that the toilet could be used as one of the entrances to his hideout underneath.

On that same day Cavendish had decided he was NEVER going to use it. Instead he decided to use the other entrance that was located in the bathroom.

The Agent walked over to his sink which had a cabinet mirror just above it. He opened said cabinet, revealing many objects usually found in bathrooms (like spare toothbrushes, toothpaste, a bottle moisturizer, etc.).

In the furthest top right corner of the cabinet sat a bottle of Aloevera. Cavendish reached up, taking hold of it, and pulled it down, although it did not leave the cabinet, for it was actually a lever (that sentence is weird, I know). Upon being pulled, the shelf opened, revealing what appeared to be a shoot.

Cavendish jumped head first and dived down, behind him the doors of both the shelf and mirror cabinet closed, keeping the bathroom looking as it did before.

The agent accelerated quickly downward, taking sudden turns as he did so. Eventually he came to an opening where he rolled out with a somersault. Cavendish got up just as the screen turned on, revealing the face of Mr. Block.

"Good morning, Agent C," Mr. Block greeted.

"Hello, sir" Cavendish greeted back.

"We have just gotten a report that Dr. Dakota has been purchasing construction toys at an alarming rate, we need you to see what he's up to and put a stop to it" Mr. Block said.

Cavendish gave a quick nod and salooted "I will not let you down, Mr. Block" he promised.

The agent ran to an old fashioned black and green moped located near the middle of the room. Jumping onto it, the floor underneath began to rise, taking him to the surface and into the road.

Cavendish began to drive down the road as fast as he legally could, making his way to Dakota's most current lair. Ahead of him a stop light went red, causing him to stop. Right next to Cavendish pulled up an oddly familiar car.

Then realization struck him, he looked to the window just as the woman inside turned and glanced at him. It was just as he had feared, the woman was Bridgette. Fortunately she looked away, but...

If she realized...

Cavendish pulled out a pair of Nose Glasses and hurriedly put them on his face, and not a moment too soon. Though he kept his eyes forward out the corner of his eye he could see the confusion come over Bridgette's face before she quickly looked back at Cav. Once she had (wrongly) confirmed her boring and average neighbor was not the very secret agent looking person on a moped next to her she looked back forward, just in time to see that the light had gone green. She drove off, Cavendish sighed in relief, moving on a few seconds after.

"DAKOTA FOUL INSTITUTION" sang disembodied voices.

At the moment Dr. Dakota was in a building, though not his usual, "that, definitely not be very smart" Dakota had thought to himself. This building was a terracotta orange, very blocky (as most all buildings are), except for where the sides came out at the top. Speaking of the top, right in the center of the roof, an antenna of sorts with a giant triangle shaped hole stuck out.

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