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A/N: Hey look, this came out in like, 3 months instead of 4, hooray! I'm sorry guys, this one took a little longer than I wanted it to, but uh, here ya'll go

Cavendish sat on his couch, there wasn't really anything too special about it, it was just a normal couch. He had wanted to get different one for quite some time now, but surprisingly, being an Agent at OWCA didn't pay nearly as well as one would expect.

Anyway, at the moment Cavendish was watching some fashion-show thing on the television. There really wasn't anything else on at the moment, but the designer, Gaston something or rather, did create some very interesting clothes, though they were completely and utterly bizarre.

The designer had just announced that he was going to be arriving in Danville, with the help of a poorly inserted voice over, when Cavendish heard his watch ring.

The agent leapt up and pressed the button on his watch changing him into his suit. He put on his hat and approached his fireplace.

He looked down at where his entrance was supposedly meant to be made. It was... a small fit. It wasn't exactly made for someone of his height.

After a moment of thought, he just decided to go for it, cautiously sitting down in an awkward position atop the logs. He scooched back, trying to get as much of his body inside the spot as he could.

Somehow, he honestly could not belief he managed to, but he had squeezed his entire body into the small space. Just about as soon as he did the logs beneath his began to slowly spin, speeding up gradually, before he knew it he was spinning very rapidly until the fireplace's back opened and he was tossed out through a chute.

And with that, it was like he hadn't been in the room at all.

Cavendish swept down the chute, reaching his destination and headquarters quickly.

For a second he sat on the ground in a daze, trying to regain his sense of direction, but he soon sprung up and began to stride forward to the his desk, from there he could get his mission.

As he approached he saw that the screen was already on and Mr. Block was already on screen as well, though only half decent...

The camera was much further away from the man's face than it usually was, revealing to Cavendish that his boss was currently only wearing a shirt and underwear, which wasn't exactly a sight someone would want to see from their boss.

"One two three, testing testing," Block drawled, "one two three testing tes- AGENT C!"

Cavendish had been noticed the moment he had sat down and took out his notepad.

"Uh- YOU'RE EARLY WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA" Mr. Block raged, clearly embarrassed "Bob! Close up, NOW!" He ordered.

And just like that, He was at his usual spot once more.

Mr. Block coughed awkwardly "um, let's get this over worth, all you need to know is Dr. Dakota is stealing copying machines and stuff that goes with it, get to the bottom of it, yadda yadda, now get out!" He spoke very quickly and aggressively.

Cavendish nodded, frantically scribbling down notes.

The agent didn't even bother with niceties today, Mr. Block wanted him OUT, and he was not going to do anything to get on his bad side. He valued his life too much for that.

So he just ran over to a pipe leading to the surface and slipped on his jetpack, rocketing away and into the clouds.

He soon reached a certain familiar red blimp.

He hovered just about it, thinking of how he should go about entering. Although before he could execute any sort of plan, his jetpack strap snapped, causing him to fall onto the blimp and break through it's balloon.

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