Aged Like Cheese

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Cavendish had no time to waste today. Almost as soon as he woken up he heard that familiar alert notifying him to go to work. He jumped out of bed, and without a second to lose pressed the button on his watch changing his pajamas into his suit. He reached in his pocket pulling out his fedora and placed it firmly on his head.

He walked to his closet, inserting a code into a hidden keypad. After a few very mechanical and technical sounding noises the closet opened of it's own accord, allowing the agent to step in. The floor flung open beneath him, startling him, but only a little. He fall toward the ground, before landing a little roughly on a pile of throw pillows.

With only a moment of hesitation he flung up and practically threw himself in his chair as the screen turned on.

The familiar face of Mr. Block appeared, looking displeased as ever.

"There you are Agent C, finally" Mr. Block Stated.

"Good Morning Sir" Cavendish replied, trying to sound as professional as possible.

Mr. Block didn't seem to care how good morning Cavendish wished upon him, he just continued with his briefing as if the Agent hadn't said anything at all.

"Something very strange is going on with Dr. Dakota," he began.

A chart depicting a lowing in activity appeared on the screen.

"He's been very quiet lately, too quite,"

Cavendish scribble this down on his notepad. It was very odd, normally Dakota had some variation of evil scheme out nearly twice a day, but recently the scientist had not set off one alarm.

He was actually starting to miss him, wondering if he was alright. Although those were silly thoughts, why would he miss that slob? Cavendish probably just missed the exceileration of their fights or something. He refocused on his instructions.

"I want you to find out what he's really up to and put a stop to it" Mr. Block finished.

Agent C gave a quick nod before turning his chair around and pulling a lever which launched him into the air with a large amount of fire beneath him. The chair self drove itself throughout the interconnected tunnels of OWCA until he finally broke through the surface of road concrete somewhere in town.

Shortly after he broke through, a pepellar grew out the back of the chair and quickly began to fly off.

Cavendish kept a serious look on his face and using the lever that launched him, steered the chair to the scientist's lair.

On the way he looked to be flying over a movie set of some sort, it looked like they were filming some sort of Dr. Zone thing.

Soon enough he was at the building, disembodied voices (which Cavendish was rather confused of) sang Dakota's jingle.

He reached a patio balcony with a door, so he swung off the enhanced chair and broke through the door, unfortunately shattering it. He landed on the floor in a very superhero like manor, simultaneously pulling out a... grappling hook? He wasn't sure what he pulled out, he just grabbed the first gaget he got his hand on.

To the agent's surprise he had not burst in on Dakota doing evil inventing, but reading a book titled "The Art of Cheese."

"Cavendish?" Dakota stared at him confused "Why do you keep breaking down my doors?"

Cavendish stood up straight "Uhm-"

Dakota didn't wait for Balthazar to finish "Why don't you knock for once, it's not even locked" he crossed his arms to show his disgruntlement.

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