A Deflating Day

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Cavendish was sitting in the backyard as usual, happily relaxing in the shade of his house, and sipping on some lemonade he had made early. He was startled by the sound of racing cars in the distance. He nearly jumped from his chair at the noise, fortunately he did not fall, but his lemonade (and shirt I should mention) were not quite as lucky.

He frowned at the spill on his shirt "looks like I'll have to clean this up" he muttered to himself, as he got up and began to walk inside.

As he left he heard the familiar string of words "Hey Zack, I know what we're gonna do today."

Cavendish smiled to himself, he had an idea of what those boys were planning on doing, he just hoped they wouldn't do anything too reckless, although, thinking about it, what they were most likely going to do was a lot tamer than their usual activities.

Cavendish climbed up the stairs to his room, so that he could change out of his shirt and cardigan and into another.

Through his walls, even over the loud noises of the race track Cavendish could hear the familiar workings of metal hitting metal and chatty older siblings.

Once in his new clothes, the agent heard the beeping of his watch, guess it was time for work "just when I got dressed too" Cavendish thought bitterly.

Cavendish made his way outside and to the side of his house, when he had concluded the coast was clear he pressed the button on his watch, changing him into his secret agent uniform. He reached behind his back and pulled out his hat, placing it firmly upon his head. He held out his wrist and pressed a different button, opening up a secret door in the wall.

Stepping in, the door closed, and he shot downward like a bullet into his underground base.

He walked to his chair and sat down as the screen turned on to reveal the face of Mr. Block.

"Hello Cavendish" The curly haired man greeted. Next to him a file photo of Dakota appeared on screen "the Evil Dr. Dakota is up to his old tricks"

As if Cavendish couldn't have figured that out himself.

"For reasons we can't figure out he has purchased an airship, or 'blimp' as kids are calling it"

"An Airship?" Cavendish question in his head

"Your mission is to find out why and if necessary, which I am sure it will be, put a stop to it," Mr. Block concluded "Don't mess this up" he growled."

"I shan't sir" Cavendish said.

Getting up he ran over to his hovercraft and flew out the exit.

For some reason the exit led into the tree next door to his house, aka Milo's Home. He flew out as the tree's top opened giving him access to the outside. He traveled over the neighborhood to Dr. Dakota's lair, which apparently was a... blimp.

He soon caught sight of the airship, which was currently flying over the racetrack he had been hearing early.

The machine was a rusty red, with huge yellow letters on the side reading "DAKOTA'S FOUL INST." The part of the blimp that was meant for people to be in was orange with lighter yellow tinted windows.

"And with the race about to start, there is the Dakota's Foul Institution blimp" announced an announcer as Dakota's jingle rang out the speakers.

Once Cavendish flew close enough to the aircraft he jumped off his hover vehicle and kicked open a window, gaining him entry into the blimp. He landed on the floor, doing his best to appear heroic and ready for a fight.

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