Left Behind

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While Silver as usual was left behind at the flat on her own with Similien as well as Cain, Lyra was going off with a glowing Mrs. Coulter and they walked away.

Just as soon as both of them, Mrs. Coulter and Lyra were gone, Cain was forcing open a window and climbing up onto the roof.

Similien got onto Silver's back and Silver climbed up after Cain, who was holding out a hand to help her the last foot or so, but she smacked his hand away. "Ow." He mumbled as she stood up and Similien hopped onto the roof, as she pushed herself up.

"It feels great to be free again. Even if it is only for a few minutes." Silver murmured and leaned back on the roof, as Similien grumbled and shoved something towards her with his nose. Silver opened her eyes and turned her head to the side, and saw the sword that Tony Costa had given her before they had left Jordan College, sitting there on the roof.

"That's a Gyptian sword, that is! But, where did y-- umph!" Silver's hand clamped over Cain's mouth quickly, looking around at the rooftops and she returned to her gaze to Cain, and her lips twisted in a grimace of disgust, as he licked her palm.

"Oh, yuck. You're a bloody barbarian, you know that?" Silver had absolutely no qualms about cursing when no adults or really anybody else was around. She wiped her hand on Cain's jacket and he wiped his mouth with his sleeves. "You have to be careful who you talk to, especially now about such things. Cain Belacqua, we don't know who we can trust here. Or anywhere, really. We could trust the Gyptians, but we don't know where to find them." She said and he looked at her, as she looked at the sword in her lap and gently drew the sword out of the scabbard, looking at it carefully and holding it right now, as if it was a priceless artifact, like the ones that Mrs. Coulter was talkin' about constantly, droning on and on and on about for hours on end.

"I trust you. You can handle it, if anybody can."

Tony's words rang through her head and she exhaled gently, holding the sword up and looking at it. "Go back downstairs, Cain." She said quietly and Cain held his arm out to Aesina, who just instead changed her form into a moth and flew down by herself. Cain looked at Silver, who nods and Cain sighed, climbing down after his daemon who had already gone inside again.

Silver swung the sword around slightly to experiment, only to end up almost chopping her own arm off. She looked at Similien, who was chuckling a little bit, just before he nearly bites his own bottom lip off trying to stifle it. "I definitely need practice." She mumbled and he was growling with laughter. "Oh shush." She said and the door opened below them.

"Oh bloody hell, no." She cursed and slid the sword back into its sheath, as she belted it around her waist and the lithe form of Similien, quickly follows her into the flat through the windows, and they managed to throw the sword into Silver's room, shuttin' the door, as Mrs. Coulter and Lyra walked into the flat with their respective dæmons.

Mrs. Coulter shot a suspicious glance at Silver and Similien, who were now silent as usual.

The golden monkey growled something to her and Silver looked suspiciously at the monkey, who was still murmuring to her. "We are indeed having a cocktail party tonight and you will need to look presentable, and you will not get in the way!" Mrs. Coulter snapped, looking particularly at Silver and Similien as she spoke, as Cain and Aesina were washing up. "In most cases, I have been lenient with the two of you. But you will not mess up this celebration." Mrs. Coulter hissed and Silver growled, as Similien settled into a defensive crouch and he snarled at Mrs. Coulter, as her dæmon returned from wherever it had been.

"Go and wash up, would you? You smell terribly." Mrs. Coulter snapped coldly and Silver rolled her eyes, and Similien followed after her to the bath and stood at the door, unwilling, to let anybody into the bathroom.

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