Missing Billy

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Silver was talking quietly with Ma Costa and Tony Costa, with the sight of Similien, scaring off any possible way of people eavesdropping.

"We will both keep our ears out, Ma Costa. We won't let you down. If we're able to hear anything at all, we'll go to find you right away." Similien assured to her, as Silver nodded her assent.

"You don't speak much, young child. I ask, why is that?" Ma Costa asked her, and Silver looks over at Similien, now, he who let a low growl at the question and Silver looked up.

"Similien speaks for the both of us. I prefer to keep my speech for the time when it is truly needed, when a rather untested opinion is required. I have a sharp tongue, but I use it only when it is required. My siblings, however. I'm certain that you've noticed, they use it far too much." Silver murmured to the pair of them both and only to them all just loud enough to be heard.

"I would have to agree with you on that topic." Tony mumbled to her and she cracked a rare smile, as it creeps onto her face.

Until the moment after, when she heard hissing and growling that could only come from dæmons, who were now, all preparing for a fight.

"Oh, bloody hell." She hissed under her breath as Similien's eyes blazed up with a fury.

"Lyra and Pan, Cain and Aesina, Hugh Lovat with his dæmon, and finally, it is Simon Parslow with his dæmon they're outnumbered by the many gyptian kids and I don't think I can stop this one."

Silver growled at her wise dæmon's words and they stormed towards the fight together, Tony Costa following as well as his hawk flying over his head.

Lyra and Cain both looked up at the arrival of their older sister and Billy's older brother, standing tall, together as they towered over the lot of them.

"No fightin' today. Billy's missin' and we need to find him. You get it?" Tony asked sharply of the Gyptians and the collegers alike, and they all nodded at them both, as Similien's howl erupted from his jaws as the children, they all raced off in a huge search party.

Silver had gone back to Jordan College, but only for around an hour or so, as she swiftly climbed out of the window and shimmied swiftly down the drainpipe.

Similien, he had managed to somehow drop quietly into a bush on the ground, as Silver drops down onto the ground next to him.

"What if we get caught? What do we do?" Similien asks her, the vocal tone a wee bit anxious, which was unusual for him.

"Similien, my old friend. Have I ever been the one, who has gotten us, into any trouble before?" She whispered to him and he almost seemed to sigh.

"No. Not you, never you. It has always been Cain or Lyra, but never your fault in the slightest. I trust you, and I would follow you anywhere," Similien he had to think about that for a minute. "Even if I had a choice about it, I mean." He'd add a few moments later.

"Come on then, let's go help the Gyptians on their hunt for Billy." She whispered seriously and they race off together, following the well-trodden path through the college woods.

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