Cocktails and More Cocktails

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Silver with Similien by her side, they walk through the party with canapes, dressed in a sky-blue dress, that she'd been forced to wear by Mrs. Coulter.

"I hate this." Silver whispered to Similien, who mumbled something to her about many of the partygoers that would not be terribly polite to say in front of everybody.

"Do you know where she took the sword?" She asked of Cain very, very quietly when they had met up in their small corner of the dining room in the flat, where no one else was.

Aesina was currently mimicking the moth of a young woman, in order for her to fly around quite swiftly and the aim was to be hopefully flying around the room, without being seen, by Mrs. Coulter or anybody else, who possibly could be positively enamored by hers and her dæmon's supposed 'personal interests' in everything.

"I have just found it. It is hung up on the wall, just inside of her office space. I can slip through the cracks, under the door as a moth but I can't get it out like that." Aesina whispers, and Silver looked at her brother's face and she nods quickly.

"Can you change yourself into some sort of ape? Like a gorilla?" She asked as Lyra makes her way swiftly over to them all, with Pantalaimon sitting on her shoulder.

"It won't be very big..."

"It doesn't have to be." Similien interrupts swiftly, his deep voice bringing a surprisingly peaceful and positive tone to the conversation, that his human half was rather desperate to hear from him. "Please forgive me quite a lot, for the interruption. But if you can change into an ape, you are able to open the door from the inside. If everything goes as planned, Silver can grab the sword from there and we can run."

Silver looks over at her two siblings along with their dæmons and at that moment, Lyra finally caught onto the plan. "Mrs. Coulter runs the Gobblers, I hears someone here, speaking about it." Lyra panted and Pan looks similar in this panicked state.

"Moths. Both of you." Silver hissed to the two dæmons among them, both of them who could still change fluently.

Similien growled a bit, as dæmons fluttered in and out, throughout their space. "You should change. We should not be running the streets of London or anywhere, dressed like this." He was mumbling to Silver, as they walked to the doorway, intending to go into her room.

"Excuse me, madam. But, might I just have your name?" Silver stiffened and so did Similien, and they both heard a hiss, the hiss that only came from the dæmon that took the shape of a snake.

The last thing that they needed at the moment, was to be questioned by any man, and let only one with a snake as a dæmon. Until they heard the rattles, they thought that their luck could not possibly get any worse.


Silver and Similien's thoughts were completely in synchronicity, as Silver turned her body towards the man, as she looked up at the older gentleman.

"I assure you, that you do not want to know my name." She said and he was grabbing onto her shoulder, yanking her back, so close to him that she could smell the alcohol, the wine all over his person.

"I think that I do." He said and it took everythin' that Silver had in her to not to cry out in that moment, because his hand dug directly into the wound that the golden monkey had inflicted, only a few mere moments before the party had begun.

Similien grabbed the rattlesnake in his jaws and flung it across the room quickly, before it had time to strike his body anywhere, and therefore, it was also causing the drunken man to tip and fall over.

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