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Silver was down at the docks on the horse market, leanin' against Similien who was a for sure way, of keeping an robber away from her.

"I'm gonna miss you." She jumped at once, yanking the knife quickly out of its' scabbard, and Tony had his hands up in surrender. "It's me. It's just me."

He mumbled as he sat down next to her, with his hawk settling on his arm that was opposite to Silver.

Silver had the knife back in her belt and he looks over at her. "What?" She asked him, sounding confused at what could possibly be a reason for him to give her of all people, a spare glance.

"Have you ever wanted to be around people your own age? Away from the utter madness of your siblings?" Tony asked unexpectedly as simultaneously both Similien and Silver turned their heads to him together.

"Sometimes. But... not usually. Being the oldest, the trouble comes from all of us, who are all trying to get the one of us out of the trouble and we all end up in it." Silver murmurs and Similien growled slightly rubbing his head into her arm.

"You would probably know of such things, right? Since your little brother Billy was always in the middle of their big fights." Similien rumbled as Silver glared at her dæmon and he sighed. "I apologize. I wasn't thinking." He said.

"I miss 'im, but we're gathering the gyptian clans, all of 'em. You should come with us, instead of goin' with a Mrs. Coulter, and, her stupid golden monkey." He said sharply and Silver sighed quietly.

"I wish that I could, Tony. But my siblings have both already agreed to go and I can't leave them alone with a woman that we don't know. And also, one that both Similien and I do not at all, trust." She murmured.

Now in true fashion, Similien, he was to let out a very gentle growl now, full of rather clear agreement.

Tony hugged Silver, who smiled and he hands her a short sword, complete with a scabbard and a belt.

"Somethin' tells me that you can handle it." He says with a grin, and she buckled it around her waist, and made sure that her coat was covering it. "Now go on, and keep eyes on those rotten siblings of yours." He grinned, as she saluted to him sarcastically, as Similien's howl began to echo.

The pair raced off, running fast and kicking up dust behind them in lots of billowing clouds, as they race back, to Jordan College.

The pair leapt cleanly over the wall and lands running, racing off towards the blimp.

"Finally!" Lyra shouted as they skidded neatly to a stop right next to the other two, barely even out of any breath, as Mrs. Coulter and her monkey dæmon walked toward them all.

Cain skidded to a stop along with Aesina, who was once again in the form of a hare. "He was not here on time either." Silver points out swiftly and Lyra glared at them both.

"Well, come along then." Mrs. Coulter states and Similien growls at the small golden monkey, and Silver scratches a ear, and Similien growled once again.

They walk onboard and the zeppelin took flight quickly. Silver was in the far corner of the blimp, Similien was curled up around her feet, his eyes on Mrs. Coulter's golden monkey, who as a dæmon, was strangely mute.

"I don't trust him." Similien rumbled quietly and Silver looks over at him as Mrs. Coulter turns her head a bit, as if she was listening. "I don't trust her at all. So why does the Master?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know. I am not fully certain that he does. I believe that he gave us to her, only because he had no choice, but to do so." She murmured to him as she scratched his ears and he rumbles quietly in pleasure.

[1] Belacqua Wolf {The Golden Compass}Where stories live. Discover now