Pretty Little Things

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Silver got out of the bath and hated admitting it, but she did feel like she felt a bit better and even Similien was now freshly washed after he had been very reluctantly dunked into the tub.

"I have got a bad feeling about this party tonight. Do you?" Similien asked and Silver placed her right hand onto his head and began to slowly scratch between his ears.

Silver nodded with a slight sigh, as she brushed her hair with her fingers as she walked. "I feel it too, but maybe we shouldn't make assump--" She falls back into her familiar silence, as they saw that both Mrs. Coulter and her stupid golden monkey were standing there in front of them.

"What the bloody hell, are you doing in my room?" Silver spat out coldly, as her fists were clenched tightly at their sides, her one hand buried in Similien and his fur, while her other one was a white-knuckle fist grip, and she felt all the blood come rushing to her face, as she felt like her privacy had been now violated.

"You watch your words, young lady. I have half a mind to be saying that now to you! How dare you, you dare to bring a weapon into my house?!" A shrill screech came from the monkey, and it caused Silver to clamp her hands over her ears, after swiftly releasing Similien.

Unfortunately when she did that and when Similien was also temporarily disoriented by the screech, the golden monkey lunged, and managed to grab at his head.

Similien reared his head back and snapped hard, but the monkey had managed to avoid the snapping teeth and had slammed the wolf dæmon's mouth shut and Silver was screaming, but it was muffled.

Similien tried to force his jaws open as he slashed at the monkey with his razor-sharp claws, but he missed and the wooden floorboards were scraped loudly by his claws.

Silver staggered backwards, as the monkey managed to get his paws all the way around Similien's throat, and she was choking along with him.

"Stop it!" Cain shouted and Aesina tore into the room as a coyote and she tackled the golden monkey right off of Similien, who immediately went to go to Silver, who looked murderously at Mrs. Coulter.

"You won't be needing this." Mrs. Coulter stated and she looked at Silver as if gauging her reaction, as Silver's eyes turned cold.

"That was a gift from a friend. It belongs to me." She said coldly and reached out her hand towards it, and Mrs. Coulter made the tut-tut noise of a mother, who was very disappointed in her child and Silver's hands, they were both clenched once again tightly and her two sets of knuckles were both now turning white once again.

"This is no weapon for a lady. A lady should hold no weapons, except for a weapon that she has naturally. You're to never touch a sword again and this, this will be melted down." She said, as Silver's anger was fierce and palpable, as her and Similien lunged forward at the evil woman, along with Cain and a angry Aesina.

But when they charged, so did the monkey and Aesina was thrown into the wall, causing Cain to backpedal at once. Leaving the pair of Similien and Silver once again to face off with Mrs. Coulter alone.

The golden monkey attempted to get past Similien to charge at Silver now, but he seemed to be frustrated by the huge wolf standing in his way.

Similien had his head tucked to protect his throat, while his claws scraped at the floor and his golden yellow eyes flared with burning rage and just as strong as Silver's own.

"Give me the sword." Silver demanded at once, as Mrs. Coulter held it in her hands and the woman tutted, as she shakes her head.


At the word, Similien charged towards the golden monkey, who sunk his fangs into Similien's shoulder and Silver let out a howling scream as Similien, he snapped his head swiftly to the side and knocked the monkey's grip loose and slashed at him, as they staggered back together, and trying to keep standing up.

"You are injured now. Should we continue to be in this arena, you shall lose this fight of ours. Now, you will act accordingly at the cocktail party as a good young girl would do. Am I understood?" Mrs. Coulter asked and Silver looked fiercely defiant still, and she holds her injured shoulder, tightly to her and nods a bit. "Now clean your wound up and make sure to cover it. I hope to find you a match tonight." She said sweetly and Silver turned away, a bit sullenly as Mrs. Coulter walked out of the room calmly, and she was still to spite Silver, still holding the sword in hand.

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