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The two bolted down the hallway swiftly to their room and Similien, he stands outside of it with his eyes on clear alert.

Silver crumpled the ridiculous dress and threw it into the corner, and, she pulled her favorite pants on that she'd bought in secret in order to keep them from Mrs. Coulter.

She threw on a smart frock that was barely considered a dress, and tossed a bunch of winter clothes into a bag, a shoulder-bag like Lyra's was full of all of her unspent money from Coulter.

She also threw on a 'borrowed' fur coat that she had no intention of ever returning, and she crept swiftly, silent out of her room. Once again, as many times before as well, she was thankful that Similien had settled as such a quiet and swift animal. Even if he was a bit difficult to hide during the day, of course.

"Hurry." Similien whispered very quietly to Silver, and she creeps away from her room and towards Lyra's. As she did, they both had to swiftly dive against a wall, standing so still that the only thing they could do, was to hope that they could pass for statue's.

"Shut your eyes." It was barely a whisper, barely Silver moving her lips, but Similien's wolf ears were all too clean and clear. He did as she said and the man and woman they walked right past the two of them.

Lyra and Pantalaimon were already waiting outside of Mrs. Coulter's office space, and Cain was with them, and at the moment that Silver and Similien a bit later than usual joined them, their destination's door opened and behind it stood Aesina.

"Brilliant work." Cain whispered to Aesina, as the ape collapsed into her much more comfortable and familiar form of a rabbit, and Silver walked all too swiftly into the room.

She grabbed the sword sheath off of the desk and spots the sword instantly at once, merely a mere moment after, as it was just hanging there, gathering all sorts of nasty things.

Silver felt anger course through her and Similien let out a low growl of an unimaginable rage and Silver grabbed the hilt of the sword and sheathed it, a bit too loudly, but the loud laughter in the other room quite adequately helps to drown it out.

She shifted the harness that held the sheath and now the sword once again as well, as she put it onto her back. As it were, she covered it with her bag. A moment later, Similien led the way, as they raced off quickly out of the flats.

"I will not miss the place." Similien declared quietly, as they raced down the road, dæmons and humans. They slowed once they got far enough away from the flat, since Silver knew that in their experience, running always was attracting more attention.

Her hand brushed across the hilt of her sword and Similien looked at her with sympathy in his eyes, and they'd look at each other, for a long moment, before continuing to walk, while they looked straight ahead.

"I messed up and I'm sorry. We should've left a long time before now... oh, Silver, your shoulder." Lyra was saying and Silver shakes her head at her little sister, puttin' a finger onto her sister's lips gently to calm her.

"No, sister. It is not your fault alone. I should have raised my concerns, long before this. But, I was too late. Do you have it?" She asked very quietly as the dæmons were on guard, for anyone in their general vicinity, who was lookin' unusually interested.

"Yes. Yes, I do." Lyra murmured and they continued walking, and then Pan was panicking, as was Similien whose fur was bristling and all on edge, all at once.

[1] Belacqua Wolf {The Golden Compass}Where stories live. Discover now