Chapter 7

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I felt as if I was floating in midnight dark waters. I couldn't see anything nor feel any part of my body. My mind would wander but I couldn't seem to think about any one specific thing for more than a couple minutes. Soon I felt the light to start to change. My limbs didn't feel so heavy and I could start to hear sounds. I couldn't understand what they were saying but I could hear the sounds. My eyes felt heavy, but I could feel that with some strength I could open them, so that what I did.

Blinding light hit my eyes and I shut them immediately. Slowly opening I saw that Faolan was looking at me with concern written in his eyes. I looked around best I could without moving my head. I was in some room that held plants, and jars filled with strange liquid that I couldn't identify. There was some background talking but I couldn't distingue what was being said.

"What" I felt weak and had to stop to breath. "Happened?"

"I'm not exactly sure you got really sick and Gaius the court healer help fix you up."

I didn't say anything too tired to respond. I closed my eyes and hear some commotion near me but payed it no mind. I felt someone get off the bed, but I had no more strength to even look. I felt a lot better just very tired and drained of energy. I fell into a deep slumber. Later when I awoke, I was feeling much better and less tired. When I opened my eyes, I was met with an empty room. I sat up and didn't feel like I was going to die.

I was in the same room that I woke up in last time. There was a table with a chemistry looking set on it. I looked down and I was wearing my normal sleep clothes. I heard a door open, and I looked up to see an old man with white hair down to his shoulder. One eyebrow was raised in a permeant position, so he looks like he is always questioning you. When he saw me, his eyes widened, and he hurried over.

"Don't get out of bed your still very weak." He says and pushes me so I'm laying down again.

"I feel fine don't worry." I say and try to sit up again. I get pushed back down again.

"You almost died you are clearly not fine!" He spoke


"I'm the court physician, and you almost died yesterday due to some reason which I'm still finding out."
"So, I almost died." I sighed "Not a great way to start this trip off huh."

"Just sit still while I quickly look you over to make sure there aren't any lasting effects." I do as he said and soon enough, he said that I was mostly ok, but I would feel more tired than normal.

"So, do you know what poisoned me?"

"Not exactly but it was close to another poison so I could get it out of your system before it could kill you."

"Thats good, do you know where Faolan is?" I ask

"Somewhere with the king and Merlin."
"Ok." I sigh then said, "Can I go find them or am I trapped here for the time being?"
"You aren't trapped but I suggest that you stay here for a little while longer. Merlin and the others will be here soon to check on you."

I nodded and didn't say anything but stayed on the bed. Gaius when around the room doing various tasks but didn't really try to talk to me. It was a comfortable quiet. I was getting bored though with not talking and nothing to do.

Soon enough I heard people talking and opening the door. I saw Faolan come in first and he ran over to me yelling some words which I assume where questions if I was alright. I nodded to his questions though I didn't understand him.

"Boy what are you doing trying to give this old man a heart attack with all the sound you are making?" Gaius says stepping in stopping the flow of words from Faolan.

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