Chapter 1

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It was raining slightly, and it was drizzling into my eyes. The humidity that hung in the air made my curly hair frizz even more. My clothes are starting to get soaked but I don't move from my positions in the trees. I really wish that my magic could repel water, but I don't I have the sight as the druids called it. The ability to see the past, future, and present. It wasn't very strong yet but as I was growing it would grow with me. I heard marching and slowed my breathing once more to avoid being caught. I had a vision of Camelot's knights marching right through our camp with us still there. I warned everyone and we evacuated. I wanted to see what was going on though. As long as we stayed out of Camelot's borders they wouldn't come after us.

They came by foot and not on horses like they would if they came for hunting. They also wore their armor and official symbols. I couldn't really hear what they were saying due to the fact that I was in a tree looking down at them. They seemed to be joking and playing around, completely relaxed and at ease. One man at the end of the line wasn't dressed as a knight, but rather a servant. He was talking to a man on his left. The man dressed as a servant had dark hair was skinny and pale. The knight next to him had blond hair, was tall and very heavily built. I looked back to the skinny servant and felt a great magical power from him. It was Emerys, the name matched the power I felt from him. That must mean the man next to him was King Arthur.

I had to get closer and hear what they were saying. I froze suddenly as Emery suddenly looked around the trees almost as if he could feel my gaze on him. I was wearing my magically enhanced cloak. It helped me blend in, it didn't make me invisible just less noticeable. But I could swear the Emerys was staring right at me. A few seconds later he looked away and continued talking as if nothing had happened. I breathed a sigh of relief he didn't see me, I quietly climbed down from the tree to follow. My hair was frizzing, and the rain was still drizzling. My breeches and tunic were well worn and didn't hinder my ability to move silently at all. I followed the men for a little bit then crept closer to try and listen to the conversation. I still can't hear anything even once I'm close enough to hear snippets of conversation from the knights in front of Emerys and the King.

I looked ahead and saw the clearing in which my people were camped until we moved. The knights stopped talking and pulled out their swords, the king and Emerys moved to the front of the area. I walked quickly around and climbed up a tree before any other knights reached the clearing. Emerys and the king walked into the clearing with looks of confusion.

"Where are the Druids?" The king asked

"They should be here. This is where the dream was." Emerys said

Everyone was looking around confused. Looking at Emerys and the king waiting for orders.

"Merlin what is going on?" The king says

"I don't know, all I know is that I got a dream about the druids in this place and now they aren't here."

I swallow it's my fault that the druids aren't here. I had the vison and told them to leave. It's not really the worst thing that can happen I was trying to protect my people. Although if Emerys is looking for us he must need our help. I hear some slight rustling from behind me in trees. I look over and see Faolan my best friend in the tree behind me. He comes closer with a worried look on his face. He reaches the tree I'm on. I glance down to see if anyone has noticed anything. No one seems to see anything suspicious.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Faolan quietly

"Same thing you're doing here." He responds "I would be a horrible best friend if I left you here all by yourself, not to mention the elders will get mad if anything happens to the Seer"

I snort softly then turn back to Emerys and the King along with the knights. It looks like they are going to leave. The king looked around along with his knights.

"Looks like they left yesterday or early today, if they leave tracks we can follow and catch up."

All the knights nodded along with the king. I turned to Faolan and gave a scared face. They were going to track down our people. My panicked face was reflected in his. I turned back to watch in time to see Emerys look up and his eyes glow gold before the branch that Faolan and I was sitting on to suddenly disappear. The ground rushed up to meet me before I could even react. I was tasting the dirt and my chest hurt from the impact. I scrambled to get my feet back on the ground and to run away. My hair was so frizzed up that I couldn't see very well. My hands hurt from the fall as well as my knees. I get my feet on the ground and I stand up and try to run away from the clearing. My cloak is suddenly gripped forcing me to stop. It pulls against my throat almost chocking me. Through my hair I see a knight trying to grab Faolan.

"Run tell the others!" I yell at Faolan

He was always better at running than me. He quickly runs away like a deer using magic most likely. I reach up to undo my cloak, but my hands are grabbed and forced behind my back before I could. My knees hit the forest floor as I was pushed down.

"Stop it, we don't want to hurt them!" I heard someone shout.
I glanced up as Faolan disappeared from view and two knights chased after him. I hoped he would lead them away from our people then go and warn them. The pressure on my arms was gone and I fell on my face again. I quickly pushed myself up and stood once again trying to run away. Someone grabbed my arms stopping me from running but not hard enough to hurt.

"Stop we aren't going to hurt you" The king says as he steps into my field of vision.

I struggle against the hold, but the person doesn't budge. I look up and glance around. My frizzy hair making it hard to see. I see Emerys looking at me as well as the king, some knights are walking around.

Emerys, help me! I say trying to communicate mind to mind. He looked into my eyes and he must have seen something because he suddenly looked troubled and worried.

"We aren't going to hurt you we just want to talk." Emerys says looking at me. I lock eyes and then a vision suddenly comes knocking me off my feet.  

So this is my third book, this one is completely for fun and will only be added when I have time after my other books, Hope you like it,


Love yall

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