Chapter 8

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Soon enough it was time to go back to the castle so we could eat. We said our goodbyes to the wolves and left. The way back I kept having this feeling like I was about to have a vision, but it was only slightly. I could expect not to get any sleep tonight. I groaned silently dreading the time when I would have to fall asleep. Faolan noticed my mood change and asked me

"Is it going to be another sleepless night for you?"

"What do you mean another sleepless night Faolan?"
"Adra with her power sometimes has visions at night that keep her asleep but never resting. So, the next morning it is like she didn't sleep at all."

"Oh, Morgana used to have the same thing. I think Gaius can give you a sleeping draught to help."
"Yeah, I'm not sure how effective it will be." Merlin said, "We will also start magic training tomorrow so hopefully that will help your control over the visions."

"That sounds great!" I exclaimed

I was happy that I might be able to sleep through the night peacefully. Faolan nodded along with me. Soon we reached the front gate and were let in. Glares and some rude comments were thrown our way, but I didn't react. This was the exact reaction I was expecting from the people. Merlin smiled sadly at us as if apologizing. Soon we reached the castle and the first thing we did was go visit Gaius.

"A sleeping draught? I might be able to make something for tonight." Gaius said as soon as we asked him.

"Yeah, I thought it would be similar to how you made it for Morgana when she suffered from her dreams."

"Yes, I remember that well," Gaius said then turned to me and said "I'm not sure how effective it will be"
"Anything at this point could be helpful."

We kept talking and soon enough it was close to dinner, so we went to the dining hall. I was somewhat apprehensive with eating in the same area we had before. It felt so formal, and I honestly felt left out a little. I was used to eating around a campfire with informal clothes and everyone getting their own food and no one serving you. I personally liked making and getting my own food. I could tell Faolan felt the same way due to the way he kept doing nervous habits such as bouncing his knee, chewing on his lip or looking around the room multiple times.

"Adrastea, we are so glad that you are feeling better." Gwen said once everyone had their food and was eating.

"Huh, yeah me too." I said nervously wondering what had happened. And if it would happen again.

"Well, we don't know what happened exactly, but we had Gaius check all the food so it's safe." Gwen said when she saw me look at the food. I nodded and stared eating. Dinner was a quiet affair this time not many people talked, and we finished quickly. We all said good night and went to bed and once more Faolan and I slept in the same room.

The next few months passed in a blur with me learning magic from Merlin. Sometimes Faolan would join in on the lessons. We would also do community service when allowed. Making simple charms to ward off evil, sickness, and negative things. We would have to be careful with walking in the village due to some anger towards druids but for the most part people were just suspicions of us. It was hard but we got used to it. I was getting used to the changes with living in Camelot. Faolan was doing much better as well. He took an interest in healing arts, so Gaius was helping him learn all the basics without magic. My visions were still happening, and Merlin was trying his best to help me, but I couldn't help due to the difference in magic but he was trying and that was enough for now.

I still held conversations with Morgana sometimes with my visions. She liked to taunt me and create living nightmares that I couldn't stop. She was still much better at controlling the mind dreams then I was. Guias tried his best with the sleeping potions but they didn't help much.

Gwen was also pregnant and was starting to show. There was a huge celebration in Camelot when they announced that the Queen was pregnant. Faolan and I both made charms and hung them around Gwen and Authur's room to ward off evil and help with the pregnancy as much as we could.

With each week the queen's belly grew more. Everyone was excited for the kid to be born. I was too but I also know that my vison of Morgan would come true as well. All I could hope for is that I would be able to stop it from happening.

A/N: sorry it's shorter than normal school work is a beast that needs my constant attention. Also if any of you want to add ideas for plot stuff that would be amazing!

DON'T DIE, and Live long and Prosper 

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