Chapter 10

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Waking up I felt the heavy air and smelled of mildew and mold. Heavy metal was holding my hands down and my back was pressed against cold stone. I couldn't move my legs because something was restraining them. Opening up my eyes I was met with complete darkness. There was no difference from when I closed my eyes to opening them. I tried turning my head but it wouldn't move. I could open and close my hands though so that was a good thing. Along with the fact that my mouth wasn't gagged. Starting to focus on my magic and I could feel it there. I started to chant quietly to get the chains off my arms and legs. My magic rose and started to work but then it was like it hit a wall and rebounded hitting me.

Screaming out I stopped the magic so it wouldn't hurt me anymore. So, there was some spell that make it hard for me to break out of. I started my spell again this time with only a trickle of my magic so I could try and find a way around the magic wall. My magic once again hit the wall and rebounded onto me. I was ready for the pain, but it didn't make it any easier to bare. Keeping the magic going I tried to find a tiny crack or hole to slip through, but the magic was sealed tightly. I stopped my magic and became aware of my surroundings. I was panting and sweat was dripping off me. I was thirsty and hungry as I used all my energy to work my spell.

I was almost out of energy and my magic was almost gone. Using a spell to illuminate the area around me would be helpful so I could see where I was. Gathering the last bit of my magic I started the spell. The rest of my magic gathered in my hand and it started to glow. It worked for a second but before my eyes could adjust to the light my spell stopped, and I felt a burning sensation in the palm of my hand. Screaming out I tried to thrash around but to no avail I couldn't move which seemed to make the burn hurt even more.

After a while the burning in my hand seemed to slowly go away. At this point I stopped screaming and was just whimpering due to the pain. I had also run out of tears and was gaining several new bruises from not moving from this spot I was forced to stay in. The silence of the room was a type of pain in its own way. The sounds I made only lasted for a few seconds and then went away to leave me in its oppressive grip.

"What do you want from me!" I yelled not being able to handle the silence anymore. I started screaming and yelling random things just so I could hear something, anything other than nothing at all.

**time skip brought to you by a lazy author**

I don't know how much timed passed only that I couldn't yell due to my dry throat and that my magic had come, and I used it all on trying to get out. I had become accustomed to the darkness of the room and could start seeing the celling. That or I was imagining it. I was passed being hungry and even if I was released from the stone, I was laying on I don't think I could move. I couldn't even tell if my eyes were open or closed. I slept in restless fits, when I started to doze off, I would suddenly wake up in cold sweat not sleeping.

A bright piercing light hit my open eyes crying out a whimper I shut them tightly. I couldn't handle the bright light from being shut in the dark for so long. I whimper left my lips and I once again tried to turn my head away from the blinding light, but I couldn't move.

"Well looks like you need some help." A feminine sounding voice said from the left of me.

I opened my mouth to try and speak but I couldn't force any sound out with my dry throat. I couldn't see anything with the blinding light and my tightly shut eyes.

"My you look different from when you first got here. So how about I help you." With person saying that I felt a warm hand touch my head. I flinched as much as I could, but I wasn't much.

"Relax, I'm just going to undo your straps then you will get some water and food." She said kindly then undid my restraints. I couldn't move due to being so weak. She lifted up my head and put a cloth around my head to cover my eyes. It helped a little bit with the light, but I could still feel the burning sensation happening.

"Now I know you can't stand up or walk so don't worry I will carry you."

I wanted to scream at her and yell and fight back. But I could barely lift my finger let alone move my arms or legs. I just lowly groaned trying to put up a fight, but it didn't help at all. She picked me up and with me not moving for a long period of time having someone move me hurt and I groaned loudly. She seemed to hold the places where I was bruised the most as well.

"Shush, you will be fine" She said a little harshly. We started walking and with every step I got bumped around and pain flared with her every movement. Not knowing what would happen if I didn't say quiet.

We were walking around making lots of twists and turns to the point I didn't even know what was left and right. It was incredibly hard to stay quiet and not groan with every movement. Finally, after about ten minutes she finally stopped said a spell and then kept walking.

"Here we are your new room!" She said brightly. She set me on a soft surface. From being on the hard surface for so long that it hurt being set on the bed. I let out a whimper when she let go of me and jostled me around.

"Relax, you are going to be fine." She said "Let's get some food and water into you."

I heard her walk away and I squinted my eyes, but it was still too bright for me even with the blind fold. My hands were touching something soft like a rabbit's fur. My neck was laying on a soft fabric that was smooth, if I had to guess it was silk. Footsteps started to come closer to me and I tensed up a little.

"Again Adrastea, relax I'm just going to feed you." The voice spoke. I felt hands move my mouth open and a cool liquid hit my tongue. I immediately started chocking on the water because I wasn't warned around being giving liquid. The flow of water stopped and I was able to breathe once more.

"Sorry about that," She spoke "I'm going to give you some water now." Then I felt the liquid hit my tongue again. Knowing what was happening this time I was able to drink and finally cool the burning in my throat. All too soon the water stopped. I was still the weak to protest.

"I can't give you a lot of water since your body has started to get used to being without it. But I can give you just a little bit of food."

My mouth was still open, so I felt a warm liquid enter my mouth. It was a warm broth that had no solids in it. Probably since I couldn't chew yet. We went through the same process again with the food this time. After a few minutes I couldn't eat anymore. The person must have known and stopped feeding me the broth.

"Well, I'm going to let you rest I'll be back in a little bit try and get some sleep." I didn't respond not wanting to give the person the satisfaction of getting a response. I heard a sigh then the footsteps started walking away. Soon I was left alone in silence once more.

A/N: Wow I wrote this and published it in a reasonable amount of time! I love when that happens. Thanks for reading vote and comment if you like the story, also some quick questions:

1. I am thinking of doing some angsty stuff that includes physical and mental tortured so I was wondering if I should or shouldn't.

2.. I am also thinking of not really having it from Merlin but loosely based but a completely separate story line because I can't really fit in the characters right now.

Thats it for now again thanks for reading 


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