Chapter 14

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The leaf would make sudden twists and turns but would keep in a constant direction. Which direction I wasn't sure but hopefully if I got out of here, I could find a way to get back to Camelot. My legs were starting to burn at this point, but I couldn't stop I had to find a way to escape and get back to Faolan and the Druids they needed me. Breaking heavily, I started slowing down and the leaf didn't slow down with me. I tried to stop it with my magic, but I was too tired to cast the spell properly. I slowly came to a stop breathing heavily and leaning on my knees. Stupid leaf for not waiting for me. On the bright side I was getting some exercise and able to be outside my room. Looking around there were some flowers blooming on the hedges making the air smell nice. The sky was a nice blue color with a cool breeze sweeping by me. I smiled and started walking looking around.

There is a possibility of me being able to grab another leaf and enchant that one to follow. I thought grabbing a leaf and repeating the enchantment. But with n2o luck, my magic didn't want to respond. The spell I had cast before was still going but I was unable to cast anymore spells. Lucky me they were holding up so the fear was still manageable. I kept walking around and after a while I found myself back where I started with Morgan waiting in the garden glaring at me. I gulped and slowed my walking down so I wouldn't get to her too fast.

"You didn't do what I wanted" Morgan said still glaring and holding up the twine.

"I tried but the stupid thing wouldn't do what I wanted" I said looking away and starting to walk off not wanting to be by Morgana.

"Well then I guess I'll need to punish you for not doing what I asked" Morgana said making me freeze with her magic I tried moving but was unable too.

"Now, since you not only decide to not do what I asked, you also tried to escape. So, your punishment will be twice as bad." She said walking over and putting her hands over my eyes and saying some spell that makes it, so I'm blind. I tried struggling against her magic, but it was no use, she is much more powerful than me and she can use her magic unlike me.

I felt myself go limp and my brain start to shut off. She was forcing me to sleep to make it so I would struggle less. I wanted to break free and escape, but I was powerless against her, and I soon felt myself slip off into oblivion.

When I woke up again, I was in a familiar dark room that smelt of mildew and mold. I felt drops of water hit my head at random intervals. Groaning I tried to move but found I was restrained to a slab of cold stone.

"Good your finally awake I can now start" Morgana's voice said somewhere off to the side.

"If only you had done what I wanted then you wouldn't be in this situation."

I tried to move and say something, but I couldn't. I was probably under a paralysis spell to stop me from moving. I heard her walk closer and felt her breath on my forehead as she spoke.

"What happens next is all of your doing" Then flashes of pain hit my body like waves from the ocean crashing over me. It would stop and then start again. Soon I found myself wanting to scream but being forced to stay in the same position paralyzed didn't give me the option to do so. As fast as it came it stopped and Morgana spoke again.

"Now that is only a little taste of what is going to happen while you stay in this room. Deprived of your sight possibly you're hearing if I find it amusing enough to do so. But know this once I'm done you won't even have the willpower or the want to ever leave my side again. Even if your little druid friends come to *save* you" she said stressing the word save as if to joke around.

Once she was done speaking the pain came back and instead of the just the pain, I started seeing my worst nightmares come true. Faolan dying right before me. The druids all massacred and faces screaming even in death. Gallons of blood washing over me as I see myself murder innocent people with magic. Merlin dying right in front of me and the whole of Camelot falling into the hands of an evil warlock.

Tears streamed from my eyes even if I couldn't move at all my body still would morn for what I saw that day in the cold dark room while I was burning from the inside out.

(A/N): sorry for the short chapter thought it would be better to update

Sorry for the long wait didn't mean to be gone that long. Still thanks for reading vote and comment if you like. 

DON'T DIE Love ya'll  

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