Chapter 9

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"Adrastea, you are thinking too much about the complexity of the spell!" Merlin yelled at me.

We were once again practicing magic in a field by the castle, and I was getting my butt handed to me because I couldn't keep my head from over thinking the spell. That is what is hard for me. I have been taught the basics of magic with the druids, so I keep thinking about the more complex part, so I mess up the words.

Taking a deep breath, I concentrated on the spell to make the seed in the pot in front of me grow. The spell I was trying to do was a simpler version of the aging spell. Starting to say the magic spell I could feel my power start to reach out for the seed. Closing my eyes so I could focus on the spell, I got all the way through the spell without messing up the words. During the spell I had heard a small crash. My magic had also done something, but I wasn't sure what because my eyes were closed. Sighing I opened my eyes and took in a gasp of air in surprise.

In front of me was a sapling that was as tall as I was. The tree looked like it had always been there. The pot where the seed was broken, and the roots of the tree had grown around the broken pot.

"Well, that was much better than I expected." I heard Merlin mutter. I looked over and saw him look at the tree in surprise.

"Well, on a happy note, your magic is really strong." Merlin starts "But, you do have trouble with learning the spells and such. I think I'm going to have you practice memorizing them and being able to do things consistently"

I nodded not really looking forward to all the memorizations work I would have to do. Sighing I started practicing other spells I had learned. One of my favorite spells was levitating and I happened to be good at it to the point where I could levitate several small items or a big item. It was fun to make them dance in the air around each other. After a few more hours of practicing Merlin decide it was time to end for the day. The sun was starting to touch the horizon and it was a dazzling sunset.

"Adra!!" Faolan yelled "I learned how to mix two chemicals together to blow them up"

"Oh joy" I said slightly scared, who knew what he was going to do now. Merlin just laughed and then kept walking leaving Faolan and I behind.

"Hey Adra," Faolan said "There is a festival coming up, and I was wondering if you would like to go with me to it?"

"Don't we normally do that anyways?" I responded confused.

"Yeah, but I was wondering if you want to go with me, as in, a couple." Faolan said and blushed loudly.

I felt my face start to heat up as well and I felt my magic start to rise, and sparks started coming off my hands. I hid my hands behind my back but since the sun was going down, I think that the bright light was pretty noticeable. Faolan smiled at me and I burst out laughing.
"Yeah I would love to go with you Faolan" I said while laughing and smiling Faolan starts laughing along with me and soon we are on the ground laughing and tears streaming down our faces. Calming down slightly I turned to Faolan to see the last rays of sunlight hit his hair to make it glow as well as his eyes sparkled like the glowing embers of a dying fire. I wanted to see more so I got closer to Faolan at the same time Faolan was moving closer to me.

"Could I kiss you Adra?" Faolan said softly looking at my lips then at my eyes.

"You don't have to ask me dummy" I said smiling at him. Faolan rolls his eyes then leans in. I feel his breath on my face and the look in his eyes was pure love.

A burning smell reached my nose, and I was immediately yanked back to reality. Looking around I saw that part of the village was on fire. Faolan look at me with a look of horror and we hurried off to go try and help.

Long before we reached the lower town of Camelot, we heard screaming and incantations being cast. I could hear some fire incantations being thrown and levitation spells. I started running faster, if there was magic being used then I could help stop it. Faolan was starting to yell to the forest to try and get some wolves to help us.

Reaching the town, it was complete chaos people running around and little kids crying. Some houses were on fire and the animals are all running around. I started using magic to put the fires out so they wouldn't spread. Faolan had gone off to help somewhere else. A gust of air threw me back against a house and knocked the wind out of my lungs. My head hit the wood with a loud CRACK and the world started to go blurry. A figure started coming towards me. Trying to breath I stood up so I could face the possible enemy. I heard them start to use an incantation, so I used a simple spell of protection around me. I felt the magic hit my protection barrier. Still trying to see clearly and get my breath back I did another simple distraction spell.

A loud explosion happened behind the person making them turn around. In that moment, I started to run the other way stumbling due to the world starting to spin. I felt like throwing up and the smoke in the air wasn't helping me breathe. I couldn't keep running the dizziness wasn't going away if anything it was getting worse. I stumbled into a wall and started leaning on that. Sounds around me were starting to fade away as well. Trying to use a healing spell on myself I started saying the incantation before something covered my mouth. Hands grabbed my wrists and put them behind my back so I couldn't move. Trying to scream out didn't work with all the noise around me and struggling wasn't going to get me out of the grip of who ever had me. My vision started to darken around the edges, and I could feel myself going limp then being picked up by a person. I tried to keep struggling and to stay away but the world turned dark anyways.

A/N: haaahhha I got to write fluff and angst!! Thanks for reading don't forget to comment and vote if you liked the chapter!

DON'T DIE and 

Live long and prosper  

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