Chapter 2

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"Gwen, how nice to see you and your child begging for your lives!"

A woman dressed in fine clothes looked up with tears in her eyes, she was heavily pregnant, and a crown sat on her head. Her dark skin was pale, and her hands are tied behind her back. She was kneeling as best she could. Dust covering her dress.

The room is spacious but there is dust everywhere showing that is hasn't been used for a very long time. At the front of the room there is a huge throne in with a pale tall and slender lady dressed in expensive clothing staring coldly down at the lady on the floor.

"It brings me immense joy to know that right now Arthur is without his beloved Gwenivere and your child the heir to the throne." Then then proceeds to laugh coldly at Gwenivere. She stares at her coldly smirking because she feels that she has won.

The world starts to grow dim and the voices sound like they are coming from underwater. The world starts to twist and turn, and everything turns dark.

My limbs feel heavy and my eyes refuse to open. I am laying down on the ground and something heavy covers my body. I hear some chatter in the background, but I can't make anything out. I can't feel any rain falling on me, but my hair feels the same fizzy that it did before.

"She is starting to wake up." A voice sounds from nearby. Its male by its low tone. My limbs are starting to feel less heavy right now. I try opening my eyes once more, but they still refused to move. I wait a little longer in silence because no one says anything. I could feel my eyes becoming less heavy and I open them. I am greeted by a tent above me. That would explain the lack of rain.

"Before you freak out, we aren't here to hurt you, you fainted so we are trying to help." A voice off to the side says.

I turn my head to the sound to see the king standing at the opening of the tent. Next to him is Emerys who looks at me worriedly. I want to tell him that this is normal after I've had a vision but then the king would know about my powers. I sat up suddenly and backed up as far away as possible.

"relax we just want to talk" The king continues.

I look at him with wide eyes then turn to Emerys and try again to communicate mind to mind. Emery's what is going on? Emerys just looks at me confused then a voice enters my head, and I can tell it is from Emerys

We just want to talk relax, don't call me Emerys my name is Merlin.

"My name is King Arthur of Camelot, I am trying to stop the prejudice against magic, I want to talk to the druids and ask for their forgiveness and help."

I was dumfounded. Why would the king, the son of the man who hunted us almost to extinction, want to help us? I didn't say anything, but my silence spoke volumes. I staired at them with fear but defiance in my eyes. I would not bow down to this king, even if he had Emerys on his side.

"Druid girl, I'm sorry I don't know your name," Emerys starts "We want peace but to do that we need the Druids help." That did sound like Emerys to want peace and to help people. But working with the king was confusing.

Adrastea, I'm coming with help hold on!! I heard Faolan say using mind speech. I stood shocked, not moving. What was I supposed to do try and escape stay here like a good prisoner? I made my choice by rolling underneath the tent in the back. Luckily the tent wasn't staked down it was just a quick shelter in the rain. I stood up to see that a fire was going, and knights were all around it. Some were walking perimeter. Some of them spotted me, pulled out their swords and started walking towards me.

Faolan HELP!! I projected my thoughts outward to the forest and started running. I could hear people shouting behind me, probably the king. The knights immediately tried to catch me luck was on my side and I manage to doge them. I looked into the trees to try and spot any druids. I didn't see any of my friends. I ran harder because as good at running as I am the men are taller than me and could run longer. I reach the tree line somehow without getting caught. Not stopping I run into the trees and doge and weave around them to try and throw off my pursuers. I glance behind me and don't see anyone; I must have lost them. I slow down and try to catch my breath.

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