Chapter 13

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I stumbled out of the maze and collapsed against a tree. Closing my eyes, I didn't want to see the threating hedges. I started hugging myself to stop some of the shaking. I started to take deep breaths to get my breathing under control. My breathing started to slow, and I was getting some feeling back into my arms and legs. I slowly opened my eyes and the sunlight hit them head on. Shutting them quickly I slowly opened them once more so I could get used to the brightness.

The hedges where a few feet away from me. They didn't look threatening, but I could still feel the whisps of magic that gave away their threatening aura. I looked away from them and around the garden. Flowers are blooming around me, and I could see different types of herbs. I heard chirping from songbirds and a small breeze blew through the garden carrying calming scents of the forest near me.

Standing up I walked away slowly from the maze of hedges not wanting to be close to it. There was a type of herb garden growing a little bit away from the hedges and I started walking towards that direction. There are all kinds of different herbs from the garden. Reaching down I dug up some roots and took some leaves from different plants. I sat down and found a decent sized flat rock and a smaller stone for grinding the plants together. Mixing them together and I rubbed the mixture under my nose. The scents flowed around me and helped me calm down while forcing me to face reality. The sharp sting of mint hit my nose and calmed me down so I could think better.

Looking around I couldn't really fine any useful herbs that would work without my magic. Sighing audibly, I wiped the mixture of plants off my hands and nose. I needed to look around more if I wanted to escape. I got up and started wandering and looking around.

I walked for a little bit, but nothing really stood out. There were no herbs that I could use to escape without using my magic while brewing them. The hedges truly do reach all around the castle with several openings in the hedges leading into a maze. I had reached where I started once more, and I sighed and sat down. The is incredibly frustrating I could do almost nothing about escaping and I'm assuming that Morgan is constantly watching me so there is no use gathering things in secret because she can use her magic and I can't. Even the animals are avoiding me. I saw some birds and went to try and talk to them, but they flew away as soon as I was within a couple feet of them.

"So, given up on finding a way to escape?" Morgan said appearing in front of me. The sudden appearance had me throwing a punch towards her. Adrenalin started rushing through me as my fist connected with her abdomen. She took in a sharp breath and almost fell over.

"Hit me again and you will be right back in the dark room you first woke up in" She spat at my face. I winced and backed up a little my fist throbbing a little from how hard I hit her. I was satisfied at how hard I hit her.

"Sorry," I said dryly "You scared me" She just frowned and glared at me.

"I repeat what I said hit me gain and I will send you back to the dark room" Morgana sighed and straightened up. "Now, I'm going to train you in magic more advanced than you know, so to start I will be letting you practice your magic at certain times of the day with me."

What? Did she really mean that, I mean letting me use my magic could be seen as a sign of trust or she was arrogant enough to believe that she was stronger. Which she probably was but even if I could simply distract her and run it would give me a chance to learn more about this place.

"What's in it for you?" I asked not sure about this whole thing she is telling me.

"Nothing that concerns you, all that matters is you don't have a choice to say no to me."

"What are you planning?" I asked glaring at her.

"Nothing that you need to know." Morgana said glaring back and pulling out a small ball of twine. "The first lesson starts now" she said while tossing me the ball

I grabbed it form mid-air and looked it over. It seemed just to be a normal ball of twine.

"What do you want me to do with this?" I said holding it up

"You are going to have the ball of twine knit itself." She said smirking. I stared at her in confusion. How did she expect me to do that?

"I'm sorry, but what!" I said unsure of what she really meant.

"You are going to use your magic to knit the ball of yarn, without physically touching it of course" I just nodded looking at the twine.

"Which spell do you want me to use?" I asked still unsure if I could do this or not.

"Any that you wish as long as you don't touch the twine and it gets knit to the length, say of your arm"

"What! I'm sorry but all the spells I know are simple levitation or energy manipulation spells."

"Good, then use those" Morgana said then started to walk away.

"Wait! Aren't you going to tell me how to do it?" I yelled at her

"No, you have to figure it out for yourself. Although I'm allowing you to use your magic until the sun goes down. If you try and escape you will not like the consequences." She spoke. I shivered from the intensity of her voice. She wasn't joking around. I didn't say anything as I watched her leave.

Once she was out of my sight I glared at the twine in my hand. How in the world am I supposed to knit this! Sighing in frustration and kicked at the dirt then sat down staring at the twine. I closed my eyes and started meditating to try and feel my magic. Slowly but surely, I felt my magic swirl around me. I smiled glad to have my magic back if not for a little while.

I had my magic back; it was ok I could do this everything would be fine. I knew the basics of magic and how to preform most spells. I could try some levitation spells to try and knit the yarn together. Going deeper into meditation I envisioned the twine unraveling from the ball and then knitting itself together. Opening my eyes, I looked at the twine and felt a flash of disappointment. The twin was just hovering in the air. I dropped the spell and the twine fell with a thump. Sighing, this time I did the spell while looking at the ball of twine. All it did was float in the air and twitch slightly then float in a circle. Sighing I stopped the spell then tried again and again.

"Oh COME ON!!" I yelled in frustration after ten more minutes of trying to knit the twine with magic. I grabbed the twine and threw it as far away from me as I could. It sailed a good 50 meters before dropping into a flower garden. I was shocked with how far I threw it. I must have used my magic with my emotions this high. I groaned in annoyance and stood up to go get the stupid ball of twine.

While walking I looked over to the hedges of the maze. Now that I had my magic I could try escaping again. I could place some counter curses on myself and then the plants as I walked to keep me safe. I could also us magic to find a way out of the maze and go see Faolan again. Stopping to look at the hedges better and walked closer to them. I felt the harsh magic that was placed on the hedges much better now that I had my own magic.

I got near the entrance of the maze and started casting the counter curses and protection charms over myself. The fear was still there but I could control my reaction to it. Where I couldn't do that before. Grabbing some leaves on the ground I tossed them in the air then did a quick wind spell that could lead me out of the maze. The leaves started floating along and I ran after then. Hopefully I could find a way to escape.

A/N: Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment.

Love ya'll 

DON'T DIE, and Live long and prosper! 

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