Chapter 3

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The cave was big and had moss growing in it. There was almost an overwhelming amount of magic in the air. The cave went further back but it got too dark when I looked farther than fifteen feet. I started walking further into the cave not knowing what was drawing me towards it. It soon got too dark to see but somehow, I didn't trip over anything and knew exactly where I was going. Light soon seemed to come from up ahead. I slowed down as I felt the magic in the air increases even more.

I came upon a cavern filled with white glowing crystals. This place was sacred fill with lots of magical energy. I looked around in awe at what I was seeing finally coming out of my magical trance. The cave was huge and there was a ray of light coming through from somewhere. There was a stream filled with clear water that flowed from a crevice in the back of the cave.

"Beautiful isn't it." A voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Emerys looking around then his gaze landed on me.

"Most people don't know this cave exists, the Druids have legends about it for their Seer's" he continued "Do you know what is here that is so precious that even in the magical community not many know about it to protect it."

I shook my head not knowing what to say. I was still overwhelmed with the feeling of magic in the cave. He chuckled and nodded in understanding.

"I'm not surprised you don't know the cave; the name will come in time. But for now I'm curious to know what lead you here?"

"Magical trace, I didn't even know where I was going until I reached the cave." I said shakily, I was talking to the greatest wizard to walk the earth.

"So you're the seer of the Druids." It was a statement not a question "Makes me wonder how you managed to sneak away and alerted us you your location."
I winced slightly remember that just because I was reason the knights and king of Camelot found my people.

"I'm not the best at following my Elders orders, I was curious of why the knights of Camelot were seeking out the druids." I said wincing slightly again.

"So you were the one that warned the druids that we were coming."
"Yeah, I had a vision of you entering our camp. I also had a vision when I saw you at the Camelot's camp, when I fainted. I think you should hear what it was about."
Emerys nodded at me to continue looking interested.

"It was about the king's wife, she was with child but captured. She was begging for her life to a person sitting on a dusty throne named Morgana."

He looked shocked and paled slightly. Looking around he walked to where some crystals sat against the wall. Taking a deep breath, he looked into it. His eyes turned glassy and he stared blankly at the stone. I felt the magical vibrations around him increase. Tears fell from his eyes and he stumbled back as if burned and then fell to the floor.

"Emerys are you alright what happened?" I said franticly as I ran over and checked him for injury.

"I'm fine I just saw something I would have rather not seen." He said tears still streaming down his face.

I sat by him and held his had for comfort. He lay there on the floor tears still streaming out of his eyes. I looked up around to give him privacy to grieve over what he had seen. I knew the pain of having visions I would have rather not see that shocked you to the core and made you revaluate your whole life.

"Do you wish to talk about what you have seen?" I asked softly knowing talking helps

"No, I can't"

I nodded my understanding and glanced over at the very end of the cave. A bright light seemed to be coming from that direction begging me to come over and look at it. I stood up not fully understanding why but I knew that I had to see what was over there. I walked over slowly and when I reached the glowing light it was a small crystal that could fit in my palm. The crystal wanted me to look into it so that's what I did. My senses left me, and I knew I was having another vision.

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