Chapter 11

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I must have fallen asleep because next thing I knew was that the I heard footsteps and the light came back. Wincing I closed my eyes tight the blindfold helping even more now. I was a little stronger due to drinking and eating from last time.

"Well looks like you're doing a little better." The voice said from the left of me. "Well, I have some food and water that you will eat."

I didn't say anything just opened my mouth so I could drink water. Cool liquid started flowing down my throat and I drink it happily. Then some broth got down my throat and I ate that as well knowing I need my strength. After a while there was no more food or water, and I closed my mouth. I was still too weak to move around much so I just stayed still.

"Now I know some healing magic that will help you recover faster; it will also help with your light sensitivity." I didn't move or react not wanting to waste energy. She started a simple incantation of healing that merlin taught me a while ago. Merlin and the others I thought with a start they must be extremely worried and trying to find me. Faolan would be so mad at me for getting caught! I wonder what he is doing right now anyways. I was so caught up in my thoughts that when something hard slammed into my arm I cried out in shock and fear. I could already feel a bruise starting to form.

"Next time listen to what I am saying" An angry female voice said to me. "Now I have things to do and I hate repeating myself so you will never know what I said and if it was important or not." Footsteps started to walk off and the lights dimmed once more. Tears started streaming down my face and the pain radiated from the spot on my arm where she hit me.

**Time skip brought to us by Imagination!! **

The next few days followed the same routine she came in gave me water and fed me then sometimes she would hit me other times she was all kind and sweet. I never heard anyone else come in and talk to me. Each day I was getting stronger and more used to light. It was very slow and hard due to the fact the light was only on when the person was in the room. But I could now keep my eyes open with the blindfold on and not squinting. I could sit myself up on the bed now but I couldn't walk. The person had also used healing spells on me which helped me gain strength faster. I had also been starting to have visions again. They were more like nightmares of the druids dying, Faolan killing me as well as the Merlin, Aruther, and Gwen. I woke up screaming each night and the only way to get way from the nightmares was talking to the person that came in. Even though she sometimes hit me she still brought comfort. She didn't mean to hit me anyways it was my fault for doing something to annoy her.

"Today we are going to take that blindfold off since your eyes have mostly healed and can handle the light." I nodded; she didn't like it when I spoke aloud.

I felt her reach behind my head and grab the blindfold. I closed my eyes so I could get used to the light without the big shock factor. The fabric came off and I slowly opened my eyes the blinding light hitting my eyes. Tears started to form on my eyes, and I couldn't see anything due to the bright light. Slowly I started seeing colors and shapes. The room I was in was like the room I was staying in at the Camelot. Except the colors are green and black giving the room a dark look. Once my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I went to turn my head to look at the person who took off the blindfold. Before I could even turn my head, I heard the person speak.

"Ah, ah you can't know who I am right now, in due time but for now you still need to focus on gaining your strength back."
I nodded and kept looking forward not wanting to upset her anymore.

"Now I'm going to help you control your powers of vision and teach you some new magic." I nodded once more then the blindfold was put back on my head so I couldn't see what she looked like.

"But, for now I'm going to let you rest. I will be back later." Then footsteps walked away.

Time passed but I couldn't tell how much time. I was taught some more magic, but I still had nightmares each night to the point where I wouldn't go to sleep if possible. I saw Faolan crying each night begging me to come back, I saw the druids thinking I was dead and even worse Faolan started to believe it as well. Arthur and Gwen had their first child in my dreams a little girl. I would dream of her dying and then Gwen killing herself due to the loss. I couldn't tell if these were visions that will come true or just my nightmares.

I had since gotten better and have tried escaping but I just got caught and then punished. She would threaten to put me back in the dark cold room. I couldn't go back there it scared me too much. I once tried to use magic when the person wasn't in the room but for whatever reason I couldn't.

"Looks like you had another sleepless night" A voice said as footsteps echoed in the room.

"Leave me alone" I whispered not wanting to do anything.

"Ah, but I can't I have a special surprise for you."

"I don't want it"

"Too bad, so sad for you then." the footsteps got closer to the bed where I was laying just staring up at the celling. I had long since stopped trying to find out who was holding me here. There was magic around the person so every time I looked at her it was like looking through water. It was a female that much she told me herself.

"I was going to let you out of your room to go to the gardens." At this statement my eyes widened, and I got up excitedly. I hadn't been outside since I got here. If she was letting me outside there are more chances to escape or send an animal to go tell Faolan. It will also help me figure out where I am.

"Now I have some rules for when you go out." She spoke as she sat down next to me. "No escaping, no talking to any animals, and no magic"

I nodded planning on breaking all the rules when I got the chance.

"Now I'm going to go get you a dress to wear outside and then we will go." She said standing up and leaving me. She left no room for objections. I sat up on the bed and looked around the almost empty room. It holds the bed and a wardrobe. The other furniture had long since been removed because I kept finding ways to use them to escape. The wardrobe holds some night clothes and dresses for me to wear. She would let me bath occasionally, so I didn't have to live in my own filth. I was glad even when living in the forest I tried my best to stay clean. The echo of footsteps reached my ears and I turned to leave when I finally saw who was holding me captive.

A/N: Thanks for reading. and wow I think I might write a little more angsty chapters because they are surprisingly fun to write. Thanks for reading and vote and comment if you like the story. Also who do ya think the mysteries person is?


Live long and prosper

The druid girlWhere stories live. Discover now